Saturday, May 29, 2010

Illusionary Progress -7-

Illusionary Progress-7-



-The deep study of the details-also interiorly in-You, like biochemical awareness:

-Sugar-metabolism has to be understood completely. Like taking too much sugar: the rebound towards low sugar-levels causing Great dis-Harmonies in Us All.

-Allergic reactions towards many artefacts, causing rage-reactions in many of Us-without knowing-suddenly firing into conflict-situations

-Many self-destructive habits, destroying families, through the incontrollable irritational reactions of the body-mind. Putting you in the obscure worlds of desolation, depression and the dirty-laundry view of IT.

-So many body-minds I-have-seen still in shock and in contraction by old traumatic situations of threat and violent trespassing, or the more subtle tensions in the fear of otherness. That Otherness-many times having done so much harm and your mind: so often still living in the illusive past and childlike powerlesness, while so many opportunities are there Now and so much awareness present Now, to help and liberate your-Self from those illusions.


Again education should be the way to be-come-Our True Selves and not the,repression of IT

But we have to be aware in this Valley of Tears that Being Touched by a Loving Heart and Hand: Being re-member-ed of the Real Love-happily-still Existing-that:


Whole worlds of painfulness can manifest themselves in Us


The Loving Touch, making You even more Tense, through the remembrance of the missed Love: the endless Hurt that I have seen: the walking Death enslaved in the conditoning through fear. It needs courage to see behind the Appearance-this Image-behind the fear this rage and behind the rage this Pain. But all can be resolved by the resolution of the Past, through mutual Forgiving:


The allowance for All of Us to waken up to Life 

To fullfill Our deepest Aspiration: the Key of Harmony 

The most profound Need of so Many 

There must be a More Sacred Peace-full Way


In deep relaxation the World knows It All


-following the profound pathways of meditational States and Prayer, reaching the Cosmic Mirror: the surrounding unconditional Love, beyond duality

-the profound will to overcome the-counterpoles of the Universal Values

-the Use of the Sacred Plant Medecins of the First Borns: remembering the Original Glory and the Gratefullness to have a Human Birth  .

-the inspirational re-membrance of original Creation

-Witnessing and purifying the enemies of Our Balance

-re-Orienting on the Values towards Self :              

-Radiating the liberated Subject of Your True Self on your environment

-Giving Your Original Worth-after the inner Quest of Your Treasure

-leaving the objectivating-worlds of Harm and Abuse behind: by not acting upon it  

-reducing the Desire-frustration-causal Cycles: in the complete Now there is no Future, so no hope and no frustration                

-leaving Complexity-into the Simple appreciation of what IS: Creation             

-cultivating the attitude of Self-contentment and gratefulness towards the Miracle-Creating Life

-Concentrating on and Loving the Heavenly Points of Transcendance

-You will meet the I am in You and Others in the Original Brilliance of Existence 

-in the elements: like the Wind cleaning Your Mind, and the Rain Purifying-Your Body


In the Purifying You remember Harmony 

In the Loving You remember Life and Brilliance 

In the Truth You remember the Connection 

In the Justice the Relaxing Brotherhood

And In Oneness: 

the Divine Face of the Human Family


In Nature in despair of so much misery,

in Tears aspiring for the Values

There came always a Bird flying to the Sun