Thursday, May 6, 2010

the Miraculous-1-

the Miraculous-1-In the Teachings isthe opening of the Flower-of You-into Existence 

      the Sun in Extreme Brilliance

Surrendering to IT
in You surrendering to IT:

endless Radiation

the at-Onement with Nature

has to be set on All the other Kingdoms

the Family of Man into which so many Injustice done
Let every-One Free, will be Your basic Mantra
the outburst of the "in Love with Love" is a Great Happening to every-One
suddenly Perfection is seen in All
Acceptance flies into Complete Appreciation
systematically cutting non-Love out is Your Home work
to prepare the Instrument towards Extases
which are always waiting for You              
This are Observations during the Teachings:
The overcoming of Past Pain is the Overcoming of Past mind-Tissue on reality
re-appreciating the Now

the Filters cleaning 

the Perceptions Clearing:

Perception from the banal into the Miraculous, wonders of Synchronicity
Every-Thing-One coming together is a Happening 
in the Own mind It is a Personal Work

by deeply Aspirating for the Well-Being of All Humans 

Your Human-ness grows 

and Your Membership 

after long DIS-Ease 

the Ease-coming out of that envelop-of judgments
will develop-and with IT 

the Right Intention
Not even having to be Fysically Present:
this is a Phenomenon working on the Mitote-Collective-sub-Consciousness
The Collective Human Mind balancing towards Hope
and That Things are Possible
There is no Hopelesness, when stubborn Patterns are dropped 
on the Contrary: 
Possibilities are Seen in the Opening-and leaving-of the Mind 
towards the Beauty of Creation: again and Again: 
All is Sufficiently There
the mind has to Learn to Re-adapt in the Here and Now 
where the Gate is: 
but in the Wondering of Beauty 
Much of Obscurity, 
can become Visible: 
choose for the Awareness of what is Brilliant-again and again 
Light always giving more direction through Clarity
still accept obscurity, because Courage is needed 
to face the-Dragon in the Self and Other: 
to-acceptingly-understand the Pain done to Self and Other-s
Be Aware of the projecting of Own Judgments on Your-Self-interiorly present 
It is the in your-self-incorporated Mitote
the inner and outer heritage of culture-bound conditionings over long-Times
Be aware of our Collective Tunnel-visioning,

when Your only source of consciousness is conditioned from-that-one perspective
the Paradigm-Shift 
is only to be made through the Passage of many Perspectives:
Like You had to make a Passage to the Southern Gates, to be able to transcend the Collective Mitote of the North and West- 
so Much to Learn and to Listen to-also-for the Western mind
into the Wisdom Books-by wordstransmitted-the different inheritance of the First Borns 
and their-seemingly-Otherness
But they re-member Us 
to the Original Meaning of Mens'-Joint-adventure

mostly transmitted through the and in the Sacred Plants Teachings:

which is meaning: 

Through Experience and Courage -:- Progress will be Made

The Loving Forces of the Caboclos-Bridge
is still Yet of another Quality 
then the Western Individual 
Ever Experienced
Being in touch with the Divine Truth