Friday, May 7, 2010

the Miraculous-2-3-

The Miraculous -2-3

because it is of Old Lineages collected-feeded and nourished

The Love-Light is of Sun-beams-nature: touching Heart for Heart 

the Radiant Heart-plate is of Inca-Lineage

Killed by the Western Barbarians-

still having the Compassion and Forgiveness 

to Fish the Western Mind from its Obscurity

There is no need to be great, when their is No-lnner Nobility: 

this is Heartless exteriorised non-Love of Power-gaming and cannot have any relation with the Master-s

The real Power of Love will develop:

in rendering the Arrogance into Subtilisation of hearing to the Inner Master

the-Heart-Master from Your Original Nucleus is Your Guide

Silence and Calmness being the openings for Clear Hearing

and every-time and every-One remembered through the Queens'Teachings 

helping to remember Her and Her Son in You-: 

One of the Evolutional Realisations of All-Mankind

like your task is: becoming a Son Yourself

You receive the Authentic Wisdom like the Old ones

the Sources of Religiousness

No-thing to do with the Institutionalised Alienation: 

the temporal churches represent:

the Church of the Family of Man is Nature Itself

the Son of the Family of Man is in Ever-One 

the Queen-Mother in every Wo-Men



Giving Birth to the-Being-

Being One with IT in the Force of Re-Birthing- 

She understands the Process for Every-One and in this way a Teacher- the Priestress off the Repressed Matriarchat is being Hold

this Time is Her Liberation Time, through the Understanding Realised, that the return of the Divine Feminine is needed NOW

received : 

the snake-the Helix-the Dna, the Verb, the Word, coded in the DNA coming together is:

the Ome-ga: like the Sign-the All-Ah, AH-All, the coming together in One, Aum-A-Um-in-, Amen:


the Miraculous

the -two-snakes helixed around the Universal Ax: 

Fe-Male alternating

towards the Moon-Mother-Sun-Father

the Re-Union of the seemingly Impossible Realised

the Snakes Receiving the Wings Both

far above towards the Firmament

In Total Acceptance and Mutual Understanding 

the Union of the Impossible becomes Possible 

through the Forgiving of Past Judgments and tresspassings 

We saw the Union again in the Love-Quality of All-Acceptance, 

Awareness and Forgiving are needed to overcome All Polarities

This is the Meaning of the Arc of ALL

of AH 

All Possible Connecting, where Separateness Dominated

Look Vertically towards the Unifying Ax 

beyond the conflict-zones is More Light and less Dense

the Direction out of the too much condemned-condensed 

See Future Leave Past behind 

in every Moment, 

it means: 

Liberating the Moment from Contamination of Both

remembering is always-with the Mind in Between,

memorized moments mostly conflictual moments 

saying this is Positive-this is Negative

in the Union there is No Past: So no Duality

The Power of Visualisation-

replacing compulsive thinking-in the transition states

is necessary to balance attacks from the past part of the Mind

-old repeating thinking patterns-

trying to find his way out 

in the mind-purification-towards-Calmness

slowly, we find more Peace