Monday, May 10, 2010

the Miraculous 6-7

the Miraculous

the Miraculous 6-7

After Purification follows Pacification

At-Peace-ment with the Kingdoms

submission towards Creation as IT IS 

will befollowed by Pacification in the Human Kingdom

Getting Free from Ego-Competition and Rivalry of 

the-emotionally-three year old Siblings pulling on each Others 

Toy-stuff: the Material War

Transcend This 

as quick as possible 

In the overcoming of That

Mature Parenthood can develop 

Sons becoming Fathers

Daughters becoming Mothers having-passed All-desire-full envy- 

there is no Judgment

Mind is still automatically in Defense,when-a-Judgment-s enter-s- 

But more and more You recover quickly-

going towards the Vertical Ax Your Aspiration and Intention 

has to be for the Well-being of the Whole and You regain Your Force

Because Your Intention Is True Loving

Your Safety is guaranteed: 

Because Your Intention: 

the Liberation for Allgives You Integrity versus All              .

Or do we want to stay in the mutual Objectivational Levels? 

This means You would choose for Endless Wars?

The world-wide-web filled with crazy ways to ask for Love

everybody trying to be special, but only looking in their proper mirror?

busy with Appearance?

where is Your Original You adding to the Universal Values

what do You really give of You, trying to grasp affirmation from Others

You can only give the Precious Love to ~Others, when You first preciously 

Love Yourself

When Objectivation Is there

Go Consciously into the experience of the Victim, daring to emcompass all Victims with You

and become Whole with IT: so realizing the killing aspects of the Judgmental worlds 

When You judges, You will be judged

So the real Home-work for you is collectively working Up

till the last Judgment

and That  is All-ONE

so overcoming Tresspassing

Boredom being Ignorant-the Not Real Knowing-of 

the Potential Rising Helix: the Growing of Us All towards Rising in Love

instead of falling in it-

the narcistic need of reflection:

Begging without Dignity 

Aspiring Awareness, goes for the Knowing of the Whole

which is not: 

Sitting Comfortably in the Judgmental Part of IT-the Total-

What You Judge -You allways Pass:

To learn to become All-Acceptance-Stopping All Wars

Daring to DIS-Appear in the Void

is the Courage to give Up Separateness

giving Up Your Fear-s-

You will Radiate You

without barriers and walls

You Are There, Here, Every-where

and Now-Here

at First develop the Gardeners Atitude-in Your nearest Environment

to let Them All Flower: what are the ingredients for That?

Nearby the Garden-the Flowering will be Parallel-

by Morfogenetic Resonance

in Listenig to the Queen

Like listening towards-Your-Queens Plants-: 

in what They Need and How They should be taken Care of

You start to understand the need of every-One:

Be Alert on Shortage-s-of Nourishment in the Pure Form

and on All Levels

Giving Water is the Love-Giving

This is where the Real Aquarius-Qualities will come 

IN the Love-Giving through the Sacred 

every Time being Called For

Whatch the Dragon-being Eager to pull You in the Cycling-s-

His Restless Habitudes-the Old Ways of thinking so viciously Encrusted

in de-mented cycling

the DIS-belief and DIS-ease so Common

the Doubts so abundantly Trying -again

Arrogance sheltering, coccooning

no change possible?

just Boring Disturbers-Cynical 

by repetition: the Depression itself

why do I block the way to Union

still needing to Heal Your wounds?

Every-body waits for ~You

not your Appearance

appearance is only looking in your own mirror

 without Loving Outlook-express

Go In with the Miraculous

Surrendering to The Grace of the Queen

submitting to-Mother-Spouse-You

when Her bitterness and revenge is done: illusionary past again?

Her Paradise-Like Grace always to be Remembered: 

balancing this All up-after having looked Up

instead of down upon

with the flue-and-veiled objectivating realities

gray-dirty-laundry look to each other, while judging

smoke and mirrors

But First you need to explain the Extases of Clear Perception

the Clear Mirror Wisdom

-see the Tantric Gates of the Tibetan-Mandala

Being born-from old selves-In Suchness

Using the Moon and Sun and Earth as Your Anchors 

for the thought-Binding, to be able to See and Master Own Mind

from the Re-surrection Ax you can look back into Past

past divisions, past separateness-past pain

realizing : You were identified with It

You deed Now

to come out of Dis-Ease