Saturday, May 15, 2010

The second birth-Process of Humanity-1-

The second birth-Process of Humanity-1-

The first thing for anybody is to make themselves small. Small to be able to listen Carefully. Small to be able to pass the Channel

To see and experience the human artifact, which was blocking for long times their passage

It is also easier, when You just let go of the artifacts and by letting go the prejudgments

See the fear-conditions and let them, what they are. See the guilt-Mitote and let it glide from your skin and brain. Listen well: you are supposed to be free. 

Freedom is your Birth-Right

So let go of all pression, pull-and pushing forces: the control and power-need of the others being controlled and over-powered themselves in past.

The control and power-addicted will be shown that Love and Calmness are utterly more satisfying and healing. There will be the experience-also for them-selves-
of Great Happyness when they let Go, because when they also let go of worry and war-tensions-and their hero-like predicaments:

We All will be able to grow towards Acceptance, because One grown up in great Loving-Acceptance, will never be captured in the Illusional Hook of-only-Material Richness

The Richdom of the Kingdoms-Opening up-will mirror them so Clearly, that they will cry in happyness, 
suddenly over-seeing their needless side-tracks: seeking applause from others:

While the Liberational Quality of Real Love-was infinitely greater in impact, then that surrogate-love-: 

attention through Impression, which fills the Ether, every-one flashing crazy ways to ask for love

Who were you trying to impress, the never present Parenthood, still occupied with own Ego; never Seeing, never Listening. Are you just trying to compensate and sooth those pains or fixed in fear to be abandoned-showing your Dragon? Or being humiliated by another from the same Loka: busy to impress the outside world. Every-one talking how special they are, nobody listening: Parallel communication or never communicating by exchanging imposed or borrowed-dead-conditioned information, behaviour and words.

The Loka's of the Wheel of Life: a mirror of Humanity s' history: choices and consequences of illusionary in-Equality. Use their Wisdoms.

The over-active surrendering into relaxation, will need great rest
The-passive-reactive on overdoing-will receive inspiration, vision and energy, suddenly becoming a member-a participator-not being listened to for ages.
The repressed  and poor will revive and stand up: claiming their Worth and channeling their Mirror towards the Victimizers, who also will realize they played in a scenery
a theater of illusionary polarities. Inequality, Pretense and Arrogance abusing the fear of others

The World goes upside down, the hierarchies temporarily changed, pockets of in-Justice emptied

Let the Rainha Heal the world-situation Now
Receive Her with open arms, by leaving arms and without judgments or pre-conceptions, they did not work allways-history showed Us. And what did Fear with History? Don't we need a History about the consequences of Psycho-dynamics.

Start with Self-Acceptance, whatever extreme polarity you represented
It was all necessary to come to this Point

Unless the discipline and sometimes great extended mirroring is needed, never stay fixed in the fear-state, always re-relax through awareness and self-comprehension:

Self-forgiving creates the Void for forgiving: 

Forgiving the Whole and Forgiving Each Other

But Forgiving is only Real and Honest, when You more let go of Past

With the start of Self-acceptance and the Forgiving stages in every development of a fear-state, there is a conditioning sometimes to pass

The conditioning being: that You should be different-than what You Are

creating fear of not-O.K-ness and the feeling of Pressure-pushing and pulling You, out of Blissfull time

Which is at first is: Being in Love with-Yourself

re-de-covering Your Grace and Kingship

Because when You kill Your-Self with internal judgment: which are internalized rejections you absorbed all Your Life

Who is gonna profit from  Your-Flower and Your-Fruit , which you are supposed to give through

Your Personal Message to this Time-Age and Place: 

the-Cause and Purpose of You being send in this lapse of Universal Evolution:

the Authentic You as we needed, Your Colour of the Rainbow-wisdoms

The more You can shine Your authentic You-The more Clarity comes IN


The more Love and Beauty will enter Your reality, the more Happyness

Plants-Kingdom Teachings, very carefully listened to
with its shy-low voices-delicately guiding You

When You passed All-Faces there is no Alienation more possible

Those are the Wisdoms of the Inca-line-

whisperings from the Sun

and the great Mother