The second Birth-Process of Humanity-6-
With the Light and Love coming through-in this lapse of Time in Human History
Lot of obscurity will show, lots of lessons will be learned.
Don't be shocked or afraid, just handle more and more fromout the learned Awareness-and the dark-sides of us being illuminated.
You can re-select and re-choose from human creation: what helps and what counter-acts
the Greatest adventure of Humankind, You were ever engaged in
the total reunion of every-one towards ALL-ONE, which is ME-YOU in your deepest wish and aspiration
Only don't fight for Peace and scream for Silence, those eternal paradox: the split of the divided personae
Just Sing, Harmonize, Synergize and deliberate together for the most helping and effective solutions, to come to this point and re-member, this will not happen unless the most total inclusion is happening, which means the understanding and apprentice-ship for Any-One and Every-Body.
Education is not accumulation of borrowed knowledge, which often is not even true-yet-because of the always distorted-over-abstracting minds farther and farther away from Mother Earth?: Education is LOVE, RESPECT, demonstrating Harmony and Justice: respecting the Original meaning of some-ONE given Birth-to.
The Humble listening of the elders towards which message the new-bom is giving, which means-in the place of adultism- You learn to silence-up your own mind-the emptying of the Cup-to be able to absorb the feeling and the message of the child being listened to. Turning the existing hierarchies upside down.
Like this, he will always Trust her-his Purest Self, because utterly loved, so for no Reason he can be disturbed in his Authentic movement. Like this he will reduce in his desires:
which are all crazy ways to compensate or replace LOVE
When LOVE is re-installed in all your institutions in the whole creation of mankind: the overlap and re-harmonization with Nature and Naturalness will find place and the incredible amount of-and needs for attention and manifestation of pumped-up ego's will relax. It will re-harmonize the widely distributed need for power-and-control, diminuate the exhibition of violence. The screaming for attention in the valley of tears-creating pain every-where will silence down. In the effort to sooth the pain-by multiple compensation:
JUST PREVENT PAIN, which is what Love does.
Coming back to less excited-adrenaline-motored running with time:
Time only exists trough the experience of pressure and purpose-fullness
So restoring and validating Harmony and Sacred Peace as one of the highest VALUES existing: We All have to learn to accept the manifestation of Truth under all the layers of absolutely infused behavior and conditioning and through the realization-of this All-there is no such thing as good or bad or guilt
There will be just the realization-after eliminating all the NON-SELF brain wash-
that you ARE LOVE
Your Task is to bring Your UNIQUE-message to the Whole:
through Your Talent, Your Value and Your Worth-Your shield and totem
When everyone IS the Original Natural Creation of his own Message and working at his Authentic Contribution:
competition, rivalry, aggression, fear, need for domination-unnecessary-will dissolve.
The direction is towards un-doing, removing, making the ego-smaller-balanced-and capable of Loving surrender,
Surrendering the Originally Truth-full One in us, giving IT space to-FLOWER
This All being of a Higher Value then the taking, grasping, accumulating of the greedy Ego, out of emptyness, insignificance or basic feeling of inferiority not being loved you compensate for that poor-SELF-at the cost of many?The loneliest-ones on earth, are those isolated in their accumulated things, being controlled by paranoiac feelings after having controlled and trespassed every-one, living in permanent Fear to be controlled or to be trespassed in revenge
Having robed the world, they think they will be robed by the world. Knowing that they should let go-the paranoia and the unnatural accumulation-and serve towards the Whole Family of Mankind-knowing that once fulfilled desires have no function any more and knowing that the risk of material-addiction takes you out of
the Vertical surrender towards the Ax of Union
which is the Universal Cross of religious-ness: "religando todos"-Uniting All
This-through the reconnection with True Self-will lead to the reconnection with Creation, and the re-connection with True Others:
Original Lovely-ness overcoming the enormous Paradox of
religious wars: all-ready for long a depression for All.
religious wars: all-ready for long a depression for All.
Reviewing human creation, re-balancing the enormous Humiliation:
-to be engaged only on survival
-letting go the superfluous illusionary "coisas toa": "ugly things"
-realizing that the owning of over-luxurious-ness is hindering others even to survive,
-dying you will be ashamed before the TRUTH-full Mirror of Justice, represented in inner consciousness
Prepare for the running out of fossil reserves to recreate Balance: through realizing why you are running all the time
Listening through the Mirror of the Southern-third worlds
you will understand that .
Listening through the Mirror of the Southern-third worlds
you will understand that .
simple Justice based decisions are like Love based decisions and choices will be easily made:
the Heart knows in everyone of You what to do, you don't need so called scientific deliberations to make your choices, when the choice is simply the Love based decision for the Whole of Mankind of this World including the Plant and Animal Kingdoms in it
Working in the directions of the Universal Values will lift every-one UP