Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Queens' Liberation-2-

The Queens' Liberation-3-:

the Reality, which will transform into the Garden Itself: Reality is to be re-Created, 
where Destructive Inventions were Tresspassing Creation and 
Abuses are Manifesting them-selves. 
The Shadows clear Up in the Light: Much of What was Hidden Exposed

Don't Be Afraid, it is part of the Great Clean UP, 
which is Unavoidable for All of the Contemporaries,
Born for this Time from Eternity, to Help forwards into IT:

IT, which means Eternal Love and Relaxation: Path-Ways from dis-Ease to Ease

Floating in Love will be Your Permanent State of Being, 
but Forgiving-again-is needed interior and exterior

Because there was generalized Side-tracking from the Central Ax: the Direct Path of Evolution: lots of Deviation, Lots of Separateness, 

Part of the consequences.

The Teachings have to be re-taken Up as Basic and as Needed
towards the Original State-which IS Freedom
from the constant salvo's-thunderstorms-of the Rest-less Mind
in the Mitote every-where passing by 

The-infused-Fear can be over-come by All

through the Process of the General Lift-Up

of Human Awareness and de-velop-ment of Wisdom

which is Personal-Interior-Experience and No-Thing Else

everything else just Grasping in the Dark

The confusing Borrowed Words in the mixed-salads of Mis-communication:

We lost Our real Medicins by borrowed knowledge
We desertify Our earth by borrowed knowledge
We are destroying Our Lives by borrowed knowledge 

We talk Now-authentic-experience
We talk Now the knowledge by experience of the interior processes in the toxified and purified States. 

To the development of Virtual Reality is No Future, because the Basics of Life are been Cut-Out of IT.

De-Humanisation is a Choice You can make 
or a Preference You can take

But I saw the consequences and the endless Suffering in this regressions towards the Animal-jungle-mind and the worlds of artificial-flickerings of carnavalesque Monstruosity, the Total Solitude in a Turmoil-downwards in the entropic-Abyss of the Lost: 

the Mass-endemic-Psychotic Fearfull Marachimbe of Loveless-Ness and Toxicity: 

Western Hells are just in front of You, those are the areas of the Vagabond Spirits: lost directions, lost priorities. Many enslaved in obsolete pills, veiling the enlightened perception of Creations' Brilliance; Too many Zombies-the walking-running Death, Victims of irresponsable mis-caring and deviated Gardening: Borrowed Knowledge, disgarding own Authentic-experience and Eternal Memory:

Your Free interior Arbiter, Your inner Master, Your inner Saviour

This Fear-states and those frozen Hearts are Not necessary for anybody, but the Mind can run Its' Own Ways, when artificially stimulated and the Body-Your Temple-not well taken Care of, because

the Care is for-and-pro-Life and too much carried by Our Birth-Givers and Life-Bearers:


the Carelessness for the Death, letting the illusive-artificial-or accumulated past motor Your Thanatos, Your Death Wish. 
Too many little boys-playing with those Fires out there, 

the forgotten Real Father-hood: the Gardeners, the Real Care-takers of Your World

But even-careless-Death will give You a new opportunity to re-Member, which is re-be-Coming a Member of the Family of Man: every member will know the consequences of His behaviour on Him-self and the Whole of Humanity. 

Consequences, which are always reflected on Him:

by the Divine Light of the Mother-Father and Her Child

like the One judging-will be Judged

like the badrap will not give you Confidence

but also 

ike the True Love You give, 
Will allways re-flect on YOU

the more True Love you give Out: 
the More Radiance You perceive

LEARN the LAWS of Nature and of Creation to Your Children
by going inside and Witness Own Consciousness

that is how the Conscious-levels of  All-One are built