Friday, November 5, 2010

Conditioning seen in Transition 1

Conditioning seen in Transition -1-:

Why a man has to prove himself all the Time-

Never at rest always at comparison even with himself


there will, be no moment of complete relaxation

Always having This inner message  to become better or to be better as YOU are-


No this is Love under condition 
deeply impregnated into the system 
There is always better: 
This is frustrating the Actual permanently

The Here and Now always In comparison with past or future: better? This Is the deep conditioning of always having to go bigger-as If Men has to walk In a permanent obligation: 

So with that inner urge, to ameliorate all the Time there, is no time and space 

to perceive and receive-What Is

allready created
the being-of the Other, also as He IS

a deep conditioning to prove you are O.K.-appearing-is the cause of: the constant restless-searching-mind: So mind has the function of having to change the Actual situation of the Here and NOW to a more Ideal One: 

so there Is never-THAT WHAT IS 

How can You become the I AM-the denuded TRUTH-full Self: in complete 

Love and Calmness

This Situation is rare in the Occidental-conditioned mind. Because there is-rarely-taken notice of what IS-every-thing-every-ONE has to be better-then they Are-all the Time

this the pumped-up Ideal Image-every-one tries to Follow

-the Physical Idea
-Emotional Ideal
-the Spiritual-RIGHTEOUS-Ideal

There Is no Simple Truth in Us anymore, the being-we are-is completely chased-interiorly-to what it Should Be: 
the self-Image distorted an in conflict with what it ought To BE

In Love the Woman asks for the Valley of Acceptance: Calm Love

But the male ego constantly proving itself in the Fear of the off-going 

Performance: Ideal Appearance:

the movie not well pictured and projected into reality?

the puppets of Imaging the Ideal appearance are the sad masks of having to be different 
from that from what we trully ARE

this is alienation from Love

Here Is were the Game enters oftenly

Man has to relax His puffed-up Fears of being Impotent-not sufficient
-the Fear of loosing Life-takes Life by tresspassing

There is so much compensational Fear of not being sufficient 

that the meeting of the True Beings is by pure coincidence:

In the transitions still much Fearful states pass by

that means many conditionings-like Onion layers-will show UP during the Teachings

the True being becoming more Real-

while addictions and desires are seen and left behind-
the animal-Dragon somehow and some-times manifests itself TOO,

when desires are frustrated