the Call-1-
When in despair and delusion that everything is going off: I called my dear ones, brother-souls, who passed the same agony, children, my dear children, understand and forgive me, that I am trying to liberate me from the tangling networks of forces, that want me back into the sea of misery, called:
human creation: still in agony, because not sufficiently Aware
See clearly who could help You out of this mind-automatically firing the thoughts-I know for so long and which are so boringly sucking me back into the tissue of the help-and hopeless.
Who am I?
Give me Love and Force to overcome this: this collective mind-seas, Calm me down to Silence up and give me the permission towards temporarily absence, to relax into my Truest Self which is:
the Heart-the Original Meaning of me- being Here.
Call your Father, through your father and the ancestor lines before him and Forgive and ask Forgiveness.There are: your fysical father and the Eternal Father: how difficult I could believe this, there is a Miracle going on. Somebodey who inspired me, through the feelings of hopelessnes, when I see and look into this Valley of Tears, saying to me to Relax through-All This-and to get born out of this anxiety and the Mother, who gives me the Directions towards potential Re-birth, forgiving me, cutting the Guilt and Fear-lines which still attaching me to this world.
Help me Mother, the Mother of mothers, to restore this Earth, from the forces, from which I know they are not healthy and not loving enough to repair and to protect us All from this Agony, I see the People and Myself going through.
Help me and All of Us overcoming this Time of-forced-isolation:
The Cocooning of the Fear-Capsulae
to Re-gather and Re-union of all the Friends and Kinship. Why this Time of Great Separateness and surrogate partying. This imprisonment in Own Fears, guilt-ridden mind and body cramps.
-is there something to celebrate?-Yet: Witnessing the misery of so many
Ease my re-Birth, let go of obstacles and contractions, overheated conflicts, they don't serve anybody- whatever the cause they are fighting for.
The fact that so much dis-harmony is there, discourages so many.
Don't let this forces discourage Us, don't let them get a chance anymore.
Free me from any addiction. From the addiction to security and the addicitons from all the levels. That Freedom, wich could give me Courage and Refreshment, new ways Out and instructions for All. Free me from the fearfull parts of the collective mind, which says: Stay, conserve like It was. The Paper-hell, the Financial Trickeries: insurances-Bank and bourse worlds and all crazy burocracy.
Free me from the addiciton of the senses, constantly needing to go Out, to get the outside surrogate satisfactory feelings: compensations of Love, which in the end will never work, because
finally only LOVE works.
Free me from all those things distracting me from the Essential: Essence from Heaven-Essence du Ciel: help me to let go of all the material attachments, this constant occupation with non-sense articles-accumulating them nervously, to cover what-?-: this Heap of Artifacts-most of it not even being natural and so ugly-People spoiling fossil fuels-polluting-striving for the millions of useless objects. So busy so occupied, day after day: with What?
What after this horizontal moves. Moves without the real Purpose: Your deepest Core-Value of Why being Here: What is It, Your Souls Want?
Remember Your Most Delicate Flower of flowers: Your Own Heart saying, always what It really wants. Open It, Listen to IT, Contact IT. Your Heart-Souls-Your innermost Beauty really wants only Life.
It is the Re-Union of first One then All, we need the Most.
It is the Tantric Vally of Union in Love: No Purpose, No Object: Let It Be, don't Over-Do. Freeing Yourself from the Heat and the Addiction, the Directions, which lead towards IT. Re-member relations between Desire-and-
You just entering with Your mind-again-and again trying to change situations all the time: This adds only restlesness and again it is like the-paradoxical: fighting for Peace and screaming for Silence:
Every-one dropping Fight is Peace Now.
But the mind is always wanting tomorrow