Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Queens' Liberation-1-

the Queens' Liberation-1-

The process of the Liberation of the Queen and Her beauty and Her Teachings is the Process of Liberation of Mankind out of wrong Conditioning and Fear

Take a Magnifier-Glass

in Full Sunlight and 

shine upon Her Leaves and Flower magnified

free of Opinion

free of Fear, 

I perceived the Creations' Beauty

the Crystalline Truth of Her Grace

In the Teachings look to the Teacher: Being Radiating Beauty: She is convincing

before You can Discover Her Beauty the Gardener-in YOU-has to be de-velopped: 

which Is the Quality of wanting to Care and actually taking Care of the Whole

You will enter Great Radiance leaving more and more contractive Pre-Judgments behind

The re-Cognition and the re-Dis-cover-ing of Her is the Opening towards the Whole Truth

In the re-experience of Re-ligious-ness

You re-connected with the Whole

With Creation-with Nature-

With All of the Kingdoms

Is the Re-turn of the Free-Real-Homem-Human: 

The Queen giving Him Birth 

is the meaning of the Virgin giving Spiritual Re-Birth 

into the total re-Becoming of You

The Son in every-One, the SUN for ever,

Light and Life-source

for every-ONE-the Father

The Daughter in every-One, the Moon for ever

Radiance and Clarity for ever,

for every-ONE: the Mother

This: through the re-membrance of the Queens' Teachings

You re-becoming an Original Son from Existence from Life, this through re-member-ing to Original Existence and original Life 

and Daudgter from the Word, the Vital Force, The Akasha Library is opening Your DNA, is telling You AH

The re-Cognition: the Origin, behind conditioning

This Birth is for Every-One

It is the Freedom of Judge-less Living

Mind-Free Fullness: Loving attention towards Creation

Thankfullness in IT, will help You

to forget the Sufferings, which were of Immense Richdom, polishing Your Diamond, the Lotus' Mud

Because Now is the Process, originated for All of US to become Aware of AH of This and That: All

Clearing Voyage towards the Essence

Leave the Birth-Cramps-self inflicted-More and More behind you 

and you will meet You

and when You meet Your Utmost Nobility


when You Free your Contractions 


in complete Radiation

no need for anybody-s' Mirror, 

Because the Birth is Through IT
