Rebirth of whole Womenhood-1-:
Being so long repressed the rebirth of the Female Qualities of humanhood will be guided by the QueensTeachings: the Female Quality does not make war but has Compassion: it is the Motherhood looking at the two Young Guys: fighting
Young Guys Fighting in this Times does not have "that Innocence" the Collective ~Motherhood needs to be in Complete Clarity and Oneness to support to overcome This
The Re-active Force of the collective repression of Womenhood during the thousands of years of institutionalized religion-and male domination:
the Liberation announces Itself allready some Times
and is aligned with the Force of the Rebirth of Humanity
Though being Aware of the collective accumulated Hate and Bitterness-and of the projection of It-seeing the Male-ego-aspects as demonic some-times: IT needs to be healed and transformed into a Great Creative Response: the second Birth
The expression of this Collective Dragon has to be side-ways, which is not on each Other which is the meaning and purpose of Symbolic Katharsis. The Shamanic Guidance of the repressed energies
The Liberation of the Queen is directly connected-with the Liberation of the Female Mother:
Life-affirmative-collective Love
The Male-Ego will become Clear about the Necessity of transformation towards the Universal Values and the giving up of the massive competitive-rivalring- expression of It-self the education towards the understanding of the Common Path, towards This, will be the education of the New Paradigm
In the Rebirth of Woman-hood in Her Basic Essential Worth, lies the rebirth and realization of the Values: which are Life-Affirmative. The Values being needed to bring and to continue Life on the Royal Level were it belongs.
and is aligned with the Force of the Rebirth of Humanity
Though being Aware of the collective accumulated Hate and Bitterness-and of the projection of It-seeing the Male-ego-aspects as demonic some-times: IT needs to be healed and transformed into a Great Creative Response: the second Birth
The expression of this Collective Dragon has to be side-ways, which is not on each Other which is the meaning and purpose of Symbolic Katharsis. The Shamanic Guidance of the repressed energies
The Liberation of the Queen is directly connected-with the Liberation of the Female Mother:
Life-affirmative-collective Love
The Male-Ego will become Clear about the Necessity of transformation towards the Universal Values and the giving up of the massive competitive-rivalring- expression of It-self the education towards the understanding of the Common Path, towards This, will be the education of the New Paradigm
In the Rebirth of Woman-hood in Her Basic Essential Worth, lies the rebirth and realization of the Values: which are Life-Affirmative. The Values being needed to bring and to continue Life on the Royal Level were it belongs.
the re-Realisation of the Values by the Male-Ego-collectively-goes through the Teachings of the Queen once the Female-ego is rebirthed from the Hate-Bitterness and Pain-by forgiving and awareness of the Truth of the Moment
Cutting Past is the Forgiving, the Forgiving the Liberation of All
The Female collective can only Forgive, when the male-ego-collectively shows the Humbleness to understand, seeing Historic Consequences, because the conditioned dominance, is a Hindrance to Listening
The fear of the Male ego to die-anonymously, makes him so defensive almost unable to learn, through the absence of perceptive listening in his urge to express himself: the powerless-Power-Cycling
Only through the melting of the female-male qualities-completion into One
the massive rebirth can take place: the realisation into Oneness
The preservation of Creation will only Be, through the massive trans-religious re-cognition, of the Values-because those are the assets to go beyond separateness.
The Female collective-the womanhood on their way to Oneness, has to go beyond past: -emotional and mental aggregates of conditioining in separateness too-
Cutting Past is the Forgiving, the Forgiving the Liberation of All
The Female collective can only Forgive, when the male-ego-collectively shows the Humbleness to understand, seeing Historic Consequences, because the conditioned dominance, is a Hindrance to Listening
The fear of the Male ego to die-anonymously, makes him so defensive almost unable to learn, through the absence of perceptive listening in his urge to express himself: the powerless-Power-Cycling
Only through the melting of the female-male qualities-completion into One
the massive rebirth can take place: the realisation into Oneness
The preservation of Creation will only Be, through the massive trans-religious re-cognition, of the Values-because those are the assets to go beyond separateness.
The Female collective-the womanhood on their way to Oneness, has to go beyond past: -emotional and mental aggregates of conditioining in separateness too-
the Whole Duality of female-male-hood can be overcome, through the Teachings towards Oneness with the Whole of Creation
The Whole Creation-representing Womb-men-hood-Her capacity of Continuity-Life-bearing-Birth-giving: the male ego has to surrender to IT: and Honour Her
The Whole Creation-representing Womb-men-hood-Her capacity of Continuity-Life-bearing-Birth-giving: the male ego has to surrender to IT: and Honour Her
will Creation be continued
the Teaching is on behalf of the respect for IT -on All Levels: physically-emotionally-mentally and spiritually, with the criteria of the Universal Values
the Teaching is on behalf of the respect for IT -on All Levels: physically-emotionally-mentally and spiritually, with the criteria of the Universal Values
Love, Harmony, Truth and Justice, the only essentials sustaining Life
This means the Carefull selection of the destructive inventions, to elimininate them
to preserve Life and the continuity of IT:
This means the Carefull selection of the destructive inventions, to elimininate them
to preserve Life and the continuity of IT:
Like the -Mother refuses-totally-to allow Her Son to be send to a War
Her Son being a part of Creation, which cannot be sacrificed
No Idea or Paranoia great enough to let this happen-again
It is the Idea or Paranoia that has to be understood-the Teachings being of Utmost intelligence
Comprehension, Empathy, Compassion and Awareness are needed to Over-Come
Her Son being a part of Creation, which cannot be sacrificed
No Idea or Paranoia great enough to let this happen-again
It is the Idea or Paranoia that has to be understood-the Teachings being of Utmost intelligence
Comprehension, Empathy, Compassion and Awareness are needed to Over-Come