Sunday, May 23, 2010

Illusionary Progress 2

Illusionary progress or Progress of illusion -2-


Love, meaning: fullness of heart, warm, flexible and forgiving, reaching out and meeting, going towards Union and Happyness, Light, Radiation, dis-solution, salvation and surrender by Trust. But being identified with the fear-based Mind, separating Your-Self more and more: It is very frustrating to hear about Love and You -not feeling IT anymore, because of Ill-health and Dis-ease, lack of energy and the ongoing internal conflict:

Are you at war with Your-Self: it is This, what causes great Despair,
which-combined with fear-caused You to isolate Your-self.
The lack of energy through intoxication: the bodey-mind in great depression.
When You ared addicted, enslaved and imprisoned-like this, long times: it is very difficult to re-member even self-Love and Respect:
so how to respect Creation, Life, You're being a part of

It is this disconnection with Life, experiencing the consequences of the fear-immersed deathlike separateness, the visions on the world, like dirty laundry, the grayness and obscurity and the growing self-judgments, which causes so many suffering in the rigid addictions, with the so many tensions around It: feeling miserable when you use it and in panic, when You don't have it-the object of addiction-. Just that One moment of relaxation, when the craving is stopped or that one moment of Elation, when the metabolic-detox functions are working on their ultime level to detoxify You-to save you. 

The same relaxation, elation and fullness: the "Free-Ones" allways have: being Healthy and at Ease

But Self-judgment and external judgment didn't work, don't work and won't work, through the paradoxical effect of It. The inner war accelerates: breaking through the-self-judgments, with a stronger affirmation of the impossibilities-to get Free-the despair of not being able to quit that enslaving imprisonment:

Self-Love will do better, because it is the first opening-again- of the perspective and the potentiality to feel Your-Self completely Happy and Relaxed, de-contracted and re-connected with the Whole Family and with all Expressions of Life.
Self-Love: it diminishes fear-after Years of misery and contraction so deep, but subtle installed in Your being, for a too long extension of Time.
The Hope and the potential perspective, to be simply Re-born, after cleaning and the liberating relaxation at the end of the Tunnel-vision, the total Liberation out of the contractions of the Birth-proces-passing the cravings of the shortage of the "thing" addicted to.
The dissolving and solution into Oneness, are all parts of This Perspective: the fullness of the Heart in relaxation, the transition from fear into Love, from darkness into Light, represents the Power of Visualisation, the potential re-membrance into the Family of Man.
Then the doubts again: but why should you want to be reborn into the reality, which caused You the pains, by which You got hooked and addicted through, where so many are involved in the trespassing-Cycles causing It this Pain. The reality, where You wanted to flight, to escape and to drop out from.
But you Are not just an object of "reality", like you were, when You were a Child. This is the Illusion of Past powerlesness. Now being an adult in an adult bodey, you're capable of Choices -overviewing longer ranges of experiences and consequences, just blinded by the illusive impossibilities,
as if the past still Dominates, which is the functioning-illusions of old mind: a consequence of the domination of fear, resulting from the degree of intoxication You're IN. You stay frozen in withdrawal: the amphibean Defense, but also frozen in oldtime-memory-: fear contracting vascular brain-circuits to the center of the brain: direction-Past


But here comes the solution of the Tibetan Wisdoms-concerning the Preta Loka of the Wheel of Life-: You create Your Reality-though the Power of Visualisation of Your Mind: of what You Could Be

And-by the way- the collectively created reality, by the combined Mitote of the Western minds together has to be changed anyhow towards Love. Like the indigenous Shuars: "we have to dream another reality", in other words:
 Re-search the Cura of the Beiija Flor
Re-member the Healing of the Hummingbird 
coming from Original Man