lllusionary Progress or progress of illusion-1-
Chemical c.q. farmaceutical progressive inventing, capital-motivated introducing of the newest and the more new. Don't trust it: we all are "to believing" in human creation while the motor behind this uglyness is not even pure: money
The most underestimated pollution is-by the way-our own brain.
We talk about the indirect pollution of our environment, but how about the intoxication of our delicate braincells we don't even know if what we think is triggered by intoxication or are our own simple thoughts
Pollution and our fear-based mind through constant triggering. When you observe mind from a pure perspective: transcendance or witnessing consciousness or fromout the resurrected state of mind
You can See the de-velopment of fear-based mind in relation to and just after polluting by any form of pollution: tabacco, alkohol, E-factors, but also the direct exterior environment, a traffic jam, en-velopping you. Toxicity means directly-for the mind You are possibly entering-fear-based, agression-based or detachment-based illusionary worlds, like clouds and storms interfering with the potential Peace, Calmness, Serenity: Love and Truth in us.
Because when fear is there those worlds-for which You have no preference anymore can still-possibly-enter You:
a result could be DIS-ease, DIS-harmony and War: inner konflict in our-selves, Mastering it is almost impossible, because-once triggered-the instrument of the mind fires-fear and fear accelerates fear constantly through associative circuits, in the networks of miljons of neurons in our Brain
All this interferences in miljons of minds are creating a racing, fire-exploding Mitote-the collective-sub-consciousness-a restless moving towards a never-arriving tranquillity:
because so long we pollute, the minds are firing-even involuntary-and so long the mind fires, there is restless moving, so long we move and race: we pollute: we are engaged in infernal vicious circles called: the collective mind-films of Western Civilisation. The fear-based-mind-looking at all the passed-downloads at the same time trying to survive this illusions. Illusions, because you are dwelling in memory-circuits, multitudes of not-nows, causing the de-mentia in Now which causes absence, and absence is no presence-s,
which is what non-Love is: No Presence
never open to What IS: to surrender towards original Creation
fear-based mind cannot experience Love or Loving-acceptance: In fear-based mind You are never There, to open up to real Love
which is Me, which is You being You: which is You and Me in One in happyness and contentment
many people are in constant shock, cocooning and freezing with the mind looking back in-traumatic-past,
so we live in the Illusion of Survival
I putted into the survival-systems its mechanism of alert and defense, meant to protect the individual in dangerous environments, being an animal rest of evolution. It is the system based on the neurotransmitter adrenaline, so the individual is able to fight, flight or detach:-keeping himself dead, or control to freeze the-dangerous enemy:
It is the animal jungle-mind.
But we are at a point now, to create the new world of peace consciously, so the individual will not be constantly engaged in survival and preservation of the Ego, but can Let GO into surrender of the Whole: which is Original Creation
Instead of over-doing we can go towards Being, instead of worrying wars, we can reach
Complete Peace in individual and of collective mind,
which is the Silencing of the Mitote, which is the Cure for Humanity
In the survival system the individual chooses subconsciously against All-One-ness and for alone-ness, because He thinks he is in danger All the Time. So we live in the great Illusion of Separateness,
instead of Being All-One: the Crown of Evolution
And by this constant inner stress and registration of danger fixates aloneness, into a Freezing Fear-Capsula around Us: Once being Shocked many stay in their Cocoon: which is the illusionary separation of the ego-always restlessly doing, because in illusionary danger:
Is the Shocking Event Now?
So we are never Being Now: with no object, no objectivation, because when inner Peace is Perfect, what is there more to look for-all the time-and what makes you so irritable, that you are in permanent objectivation. We are living in an Era, in which the over-doing-out of this restlesness is becoming destructive towards
the Being-the Continuity and Sustainability of Original Creation
The pollution-result of over-doing and scientific "positivism" in its naiv-or corrupted form, is creating those fears and agressions-like by the way also in-Justice does.
But the mind registrates and fixates this threat.
And when memory-circuits are re-stimulated-like Fear and like nicotine do, we get f.i. restlesness, over-doing and irritability as a consequence
from This All, the over-doing: is disturbing and polluting the potential Silence, Peace, blocking the pristine perception of the Beauty of Creation
This circles have to be interrupted, because they are going downwards and are entropic ones.
All processes-stimulating Fear, are promoting DDeath and Separateness o pecado e a medo
o medo e a Morte
While ways to Union are being prepared:
While Union means,
Love, Light and Energy