Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The second Birthprocess of Humanity-7-

The second Birth Process of Humanity -7-
Re-installing Justice, means giving up those wars-of in-justice, taking care of everyone equally
and when you collected to much towards one point-ego-centeredness-correct it

and let those collections go towards the Care of the Whole: until revolutions and wars out of "bitterness and victims" are all redeemed and helped

When all the Injustice IS corrected  those Wars will stop

When real Awareness will enter and intelligence is well used and the Hearts-re-awakened, out of the numbness: the defense against over-information, bad-news exchange-filling the Mitote

This-defensive-ness-not wanting to know the Whole Truth anymore, giving up all this non-sense, will help to start common-sense-making on behalf of the great WHOLE: the restoration of total Awareness in the Family of Man

understanding the Fear-Aggression, Power and Control-based mind will help to drop paranoia and the Loss of basic trust 

Mutual distrust-dissolving-will show the need to see 

ABSOLUTE PRIORITY OF CHOICES in service of Re-union,

Individual Ego's, nuclear-family-oriented Ego-centeredness, trans-nation-wide separateness will melt and dissolve through the understanding, that most of the problems are created by Our-Selves, because we were being addicted to problem-solving, just dropping bad-news making ($$) 
to help to bring the collective mind at-EASE- re-harmonizing them in calmness, cooling down the alarmed firing minds, re-assuring the whole Mitote   

Because the bad-news has to be solved in one instant through mobilization of common means,  instead of being spread for very dubious reasons, like the-war-industry-promoting separation and mutual dis-trust instead of resolving it.
The world has to be rearranged as a great FAMILY, fulfilling everybody' needs and fulfilling the deepest aspiration of every member of Man-kind. To be liberated finally from every Social and Moral predicament, imprisoning the Human Individual in appearance and role-play
GIVING and Receiving LOVE, the only thing that counts NOW
surrendering towards the Love making YOU small towards the Whole and will relax You into the Inner Purest Child of Authentic Self,   
which is Me: Your Original Self 
before human creations started to pollute and condition it. It is there, where Original Creation is remembered in You-being pure Love pure   spontaneous-ness without any stain
Pure flowing Being-ness, the nucleus of all religions is the re-lig-ious-ness being reconnected with your Original Intuitive Self: 
the Christ in You, 
the Buddha in You,
the Master in You 
in ALL of us this remembering is only realized through letting go conditioned morality and so the split, the conditioning in good and bad dualities, so deeply impregnated in Us 

Forgetting prescribed roles to play. Guilt-Forgiving self and others-
Cutting from past, getting born in Here and Now

Witnessing Fears, Guilts-again-, past experiences, negative identifications, revenge and judgments

Giving up victimizing self and others, because of past pains: This all representing not Reality but just memories

Re-honouring the Women, Mother, Sister as the life-giving carriers, birth-givers of LIFE 

sacred LIFE, sacred Places: Original Nature: 

Re-honouring Mother-Earth Mother-Nature and the Kingdoms 

when the male ego-parts: the overactive and the rebellious-acting out-is left behind:

The Feminine caring quality of All Humankind will restore the dis-balance, when we liberate Her from millennia of imprisonments and repression, through the power and control-needing-fearful-male-ego

the devilish-snake projection on HER through old distorted story's of mankind              

The reactive Power-need and Control-need will be relaxed reassured when this re-honouring finds place, 

There will be restauration of Justice between the genders, 
when the illusionary positive-negative forces are overcome 

If a devil would exist it will be just a Being tortured: not Loved in His Essence, not seen and not respected,
but Just Hurt, unduly trespassed 

because of fictive pre-assumptions 

The male ego also freed from duality, fear-guilt and aggression-based mind: 
role-playing fromout expected and conditioned behaviour

first an object of un-natural education, secondly conditioned as the hero or a saviour is finally 
the Dominating Dragon, running for power, control and domination, 

Finally He will not be anymore in this war of control 
He will be beyond the abuse of the object world, relaxing in-Self-Love, which is allowed, otherwise from where to give Love 
the fe-male ego-parts in Him comforted and reassured 
He will be able to melt into Union without purpose-orgasm

without abuse and beyond physical trespassing

Here the Rebirth starts