Saturday, May 15, 2010

the Miraculous 13-14

the Miraculous 13-14


Historical Experiences and Consequences neglected or not yet overseen. We All know Much more then we think we know Yet

The Awareness of that will Immediately Flower

When the Queen-One of Humanity's Greatest Teacher gets liberated-from fear and Her Grace be recognised by All

Re-Membering Humanity of the Miraculous and the Unique Value of All of Us

the Depressed is disturbed by this Hilarious Now-ness, because he was addicted in the Giving Up

easier to Fall back into the known-even when miserable and without perspective then the Aspiring into the New Era

Don't You finally want to experience Happyness? So Listen:

Wake Up and Realise that Every-Thing: all the Nightmares and Terrors are Gone and All the Bad News of the World solved

and IT IS:

when Your mind is able to Jump the Past in a Glimpse 

Jumping the Past to the Here and Now is a Matter of Recognizing internally what is passed and what is NOW

Reality just being Eternal Here and Now, what is There to be sad about: Your Presence-with all this realisations in front of You and within You?

-14- the Miraculous

the knowing that the Dragon is still in You is only True, when You believe the past as real. But realising that Past is completed: 

the reaction to Past-being the Dragon-towards hurtful moments is also Illusive

realising You're always busy with Past like this: You can guide the Dragon out of the past into the Moment

showing-Him he is reacting to something Not there. In the realizing You re-Act to past experience. You realise You're creating past and recreating It

it mirrors only past experience    

So in the realisation that the Dragon is Illusive: the anger-the power and control need-the pain-the fears the guilt, can be dropped and-in the letting Go of It

You can be Reborn into Freedom and the Newly Refreshing-Moment

like Dawn after a terrifying night

You will realize You go deluded-sometimes-for Ages, still in Re-action-of Some reality which was only once there

this Horizontal conditioning of action-re-action

focuses and en-light-ens the Over-doing and 

in the Realisation of the Over-doing, the need for Rest, Silence and Calmness can Emerge

and in That the dropping of the Cycling in realising the Dropping of the Victim-Victimizing Cycling: 

Harmony enters and the Need to find and express Your real Worth in the creative use of the Dragons' Energy, Your Kundaline-forces

The Natural environment is needed to open Up towards the Convincing Beauty of Creation, surrendering to It with the help of the Teachings 

surrendering to It by meditativeness-introspection and Prayers the great STOP is made Possible

this is the Sun-Room cebetical, also called the Quest of the overruled and the overrulers

the Victims and the victimisers: both needing to be balanced into Equal-ness, but re-evaluated in their Uniqueness

when they don't do it themselves, it will Happen anyway because -Nature and natural Universal Laws are stronger then Us

We will be forced to Undo the Overdoing-to cool down the Heat