Friday, May 14, 2010

Happyness and Bliss 2

Happyness and Bliss-2-


Your Key is-focus on Beauty all the Time

Contentment and Happy-ness will Flow to catch You Out  

Or do you want to stay wretched-You?

You so Tired and DIS-eased: remember Love

complication will confuse You again? realising so much in so short TIME

go again to Ease-

take it easy dwell naturally

Enjoy Perfection of Creation

I just want your Happy-ness, which is a sign for Me 

that all is going the way it has to be.

But don't focus on Bad News too much

be a Messenger of the potential Realization of the Perfection

Your worry was: it has to be respected 

what are the conditions to save Humanity

Just this

Realising the beauty and perfection of what Creation is

Using the Queen, the Silent Nature and realizing 

Your whole evolutional Being is There in its Magnificance

This is All there is

because seeing Clearly every-thing is in IT

what is there to Desire?

non-contentment is the mustard Seed of complication

whole artefact-realities can sprout from IT   

the road from hell to heaven is just the road from desire to contentment

I gave You the instruments to perceive Perfection

the Geniousness of Existence is made Visible

in Simplicity 

but through Immense complicatedness-defenses are becoming veils

Let the Children hear about the immense geniousness of the Cell-structures, 

Nature in detail 

But let them first-above All-be happy in WHAT IS

So complication is a result of non contentment and 

non-contentment motors complication

So go back and help simplify towards 

the Openness for the Beauty of what is,

which is also restauring of what is, 

making you Blissfull and Happy: 

All Humanity has to see the Vicious-Cycles and to learn to cut them

to be able to arrive in the Now

to be able to perceive Perfection of WHAT IS 

Non-fullment of this ability

is the Motor behind all desires

and Desire is not being in the moment

because it is only Here and Now

that Bliss and Happyness can Be