the Miraculous 8-9
Which is the Most Beautiful ever perceived:
The Delicacy of the Rainhas' Flowering as an Entry into the Miraculous:
Creation, as It Is
in Always refining the Study into Detail(s) of Nature,
You will see How All the Laws of the Universe are written in IT
Humanity has to Learn to read the language of Nature to perceive the Energies and the Directives
To Wonder about the miljards of Cellular interactions and learn to become That Delicacy-
from What He is made from
The Objective Quality-of perception being Superficial does not Know the Detailed Delicacy of cause and effect
and the Results of Massive Tresspassing
He is the One-Bodey-Universe-we are the Cells
Every Cell with the Unique-Function, so respect the unique worth of every Cell
to facilitate fhe Wholeness by Communication, Concertation and Harmonizing
in respecting the Universal Values
the Union of the Whole wil be realized
You never will Perceive the Miraculous, when You are in that state of Rudeness:
the Four-Wheel drive way of dealing with Nature:
still a three-Year-old boys-dream
the boy who forgot His Original Perception,
allready in early Days the restless Impatience and
the Empty-Boredom of the Time-passers
Re-Visioning Your real Message-every-One being a Messenger
refind Your Original Inspiration en-thou-siasm for Existence and to Help to Save IT
Stop driving Over IT, but go deeply into IT
-9- the Miraculous
In the Non-movement Perception opens Up
in the Movement towards Object,
the Subject is not Disposable for Receptive Perception
so He will never See
Never seeing it the Connections is missed,
the Connections missing, He runs greater Cycles
the exteriorising Entropy-Quicker-Broader-Superficial
the existential Tourist, centrifuging from the Gardens' of Love
in the running He cannot See,
and because not seeing, he keeps on running
in the running-temperature mounfs, in the mounting of temperature
the Ignition
The encompassed Fire, so delicately mastered in the Cells
the Citric acid Cycle so delicately transferring energy on the Adenoside tri Phosphates,
the energy-messengers, so precisely directed into the thousands of reactions
all this destroyed by Arrogance and Ignorance?
the beginning Signs of Fire are the free Radical bodies
causing DIS-ease in Detailed Nature
He will never Perceive like it Was meant by Creation
Creation to be Perceived and Rightly taken Care for:
You Are the Gardeners and Learn that Now and Immediately
and as Quickly as Possible Check This what has been Said:
Leave immediately the Futuristic Illusive Uglyness, Visualized madness
restaure Nature as Quick as Possible, dropping immediately
all Destructive inventing & inventions and self-Destructive behaviour
re-Direct Your priorities and stop believing in that Material Pursuit,
which operates at the Costs of Creation and at the Cost of Justice for All Humanity
Your Family of Man, Your Own Bodey
when Love is Really coming Your Way in the transitions of-Liberation:
can You handle It?
Every moment of deep realized Love in Here and Now
is capable to associate You with passed missed Love and non-Perception of extreme Beauty
Confronted with that Real Love
You can be confronted with the Pain of the missing and the Pain of missed Life
but it has been gone
compared to Now
it is Illusion
depending if You are a Love-giver
or only a Responder or an Asker for IT
If You have become a Love-giver
You're undisturb-able
Just radiating It
nobody can enter it with negative intentions
If Your total Intention is for the Universal Values
You are Un-judge-able
and able to Shake of all the jalousies
of the non-realized, frustrated in their Demands