Thursday, June 17, 2010

Force and Health-3-

Force and Health-3-

When You are-also Vertically-able to receive Love: rest there and select back all the Love states You were in, all the Loved-Ones visualizing in the astral and horizontal environments and the state of no-desire will develop. In this state will be no frustration but just contentment and in this contentment restless-horizontal- movement, goes into the-vertical-non-moved. In the non-moved transcendence enters. In Love-completed there are no borders and no limits: You are everywhere

You are Being Free, and this means You are being Healthy and the opposite: in Health You're Free

Being in Love is being in the Force, it is liberating You and is Healthy,so a non-loving 'culture' is in dis-Ease

Being in the Force: no intruders get a chance, being in Love even Your immunity reinforces, while fear undermines immunity

In the environment of Free-unconditional Love-in which Naturalness is respected on all levels from Earth-all the Kingdoms-to even Heaven-everything-will be purified.
There will be no Disease, there will be no war and even worrying

These are the directions we have to go IN

This is the collective way to the Kingdoms: towards the Flowering Garden, the final consequence of
evolutionary enlightenment of extremest Beauty imaginable:
Pure Golden Radiance of Being

All authentic beings, who became whole within themselves And through This: one with the Whole, having past many states they are the representatives of
All-Un-conditional Love,
with the capacities to melt with more and more qualities without judgment, engaging more and more towards One: attributing to the process of at-One-ment
Many are present there: Happy with the newcomer, who finally understood The Path towards Her or His Divine forthcoming, realizing we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not so much human being having a spiritual experience here and there: The Great gathering-the Great Concert of Celestial Beings The original Blueprint of Existence finally there: The Vital Force-the complete expression of the Original Being-Aligned up to the ONE, LOVE
You became Your Divine-Selves

While with compensatory love, there are many desires and many artifacts

The Vital Force-needing to be expressed-needs pure body, pure emotion of Love and empty mind: Then the authentic expression will flow like water-flows

The Original Child growing up amongst the human artifacts is pushed into a mono-culture, where no 'bio'-diversity is appreciated, because difficult to control: so the artificial conditioning enters and the Force of the authentic Being is repressed. Repressed Naturalness means Ill-health and Disease and the mind starts to operate, when the actual state has to be changed. There is a constant vibration of tension: the body hardened by the rigid fear-capsula-exhausting us in the end-the hearts closed in the permanent subconscious drive: the mind searching  back towards contentment: the ideal-state

We want All back towards the Ideal State: in Calmth, Contentment and in Peace and especially drowned in and overwhelmed by Love

But in dis-Ease, in Ill-health and non-Love, there is more desire and more addiction and many addictions causing ill-health and dis-Ease, because the cycling into fear-is a biochemical consequence of the detoxifying process

By suffocating the original Uniqueness of every-One, which is only done through non-Love-much blocked expressive-loving-energy will accumulate:
the development of the re-active-Dragon: a consequence of attrapped pain and non-Love

Then-again-the Dragon has to be imprisoned-enveloped-in Guilt and Fear

The non-O.K.-conditioning starts, the centrifugal process towards exteriorized conflict, lower worlds of karmic reflections endlessly repeating, till Awareness is introduced into education

So real de-velopment is the liberation out of this imprisoning en-velops, till Love starts to shine through-again-and the creative Loving expression of Your Real Self
Not the phoney Love-appearance-covering the dragon. The Dragon has to be dis-solved. From non-authenticity no-Love expression is possible. So all institutionalized religions have to review the meaning of Whole-ness, the meaning of Healing, to be complete is to be Healthy, which in the end is the Loving holeyness, unconditional Love, no-thing in common, with moralizing schizofrenia. The duality causing the Judgments

Being judged and drowned in continuous "non-O.K-ness", inherited Sins, Humanity was suffering for Ages, through a false non-Loving interpretation of Holyness,
which hypocrisy has neither Force, nor Health and not-at-all-un-condtional Love in it
The Universe, Creation, the Sacred Teachers have more Mercy
Look at the Origin, not the endless interpreters
When You want to See the Moon-to lift You into Clarity through the Teachings
why staring at the finger pointing to that That-ness
There S-He Is
the Loving Healer of Humanity: the Queen
no priests more needed, they have to start there own real teachings first, it is the end times of apppearance and illusive power 
there are no more words needed, moralizing creating the immense paradox, visible everywhere
Experiences Yes
Directly through the Teachings, towards Love, Force and Health