The neurotransmittor serotonine-being the Opener of the Akasha-DNA-recording
and the reservoir of this records-being combined with the personal experiences in this Life-time
will conclude to the necessity of
un-conditional Love and Freedom being the necessary aspects of environment letting the subject go into His Rebirth.
the generalised Loving-Awareness being the Space for Humanity to get Bom IN
Subjectivation re-presents a process of liberation from
horizontalising objectivation: judgments and opinions- creating Separateness
Objectivation-al excesses having demonstrated there deleterious effects on all levels will finally be understood and relativated as will be the-cycling defenses blocking evolution.*)
Subjectivation is the liberational counterpart of objectivation, the irrational de-velopping from rational-domination-having been dominated as an object.
the Human Being as an object of Past, has to free Him-self from this cyclic automatism of re-Action, then growing in the Ability to Master his Past and his reaction on it, to be able to enter Peace.
Fully informed through the resumated total of experiences and consequences*) fully Aware of evolutionary Progress and Fall-back and Natural Laws*)
the Laws of: Historical Psycho-dynamics*) and Karmic Laws of the Whole Family(ofMan)
Being Purified from the re-active parts of the Dragon
the Kundalini rising from the Base to the Crown-from in reality the Kundalini IS rising from
the South to the North*) :
He can fully express His Total Being-without holding back
giving from early on his Ultimate Value, His Mission, His Subject liberating through expression
of His Original Ultimate Luminosity
He will transcend beyond dependency-of opinion-and conditioned Duality leaving the Vally of Tears-being the result of ultimate separateness, coming from objectivating domination-behind
The Dragons' Head piercing the Crown, turning into a Flower of full consciousness finds the Middle between objectivating and subjectivating forces: He has to Be neither the dwarf of his Fears and Guilt nor the Giant of the Illusionary dreams of Grandeur. He is just known in His Value
He will not have neither the positive Image-ing-appearance of a covered-up Ego-and Dragon- nor the rebellious expression of the anti-lmage-ing*) in another counter-appearance
real Freedom is lying in the All-acceptance-Loving-of the Whole and the flexibility of response
the Snake-Dragon rising Up: means the verticalisation (back) into Evolution
the Omega-meaning: the deep Dive into evolutional Past
and the coming together into Union of the total-combined Awareness of Humanity*)
realising the Mitote being a Temporary nightmare of experience profoundly Sub-merged in Separateness: the Carnaval of Demons*)
the Fear-dominated Freezing, alternated by the exploding wars: human creation?
Like the dying out reptile-amphibean archetypes caged in its Defense
Immobilised and blocked in its Evolution, but knowing the elements
the Water of the Unconscious samsara and
the Earth-air of Awareness: the Other Shore
the Beira-Mar: end of the old Times of the Fish and
the New Times of the Liberated Fisherman*)
the Reptile symbolising frozen detachment-behaving like an Object in Death
The Fearfull Cocooning in frozen opinion-systems, immobilized in the Judging-reflections:
when You Judge You will be Judged
fixated in the dilemma to get born into the Unknown, the New Rebirth from Water to Air and finally the Void-Ether-
The Birth-people are the Birds-people the Condor-Eagle red Paths of the Western Gate
the tribal First Borns who kept in contact with the DNA-records through the Sacred Plants being fully Aware, Purified and Reborn: representing the Fisherman around the Master*) Once allready far advanced in Maturation and Evolution and in the Awareness
and the caboclos and the other bridge-makers between cultures, having difficult times by the pendulums between the incredible differences