Tuesday, June 8, 2010



The Dragon, the Serpent-Snake, the Helix of DNA, completely Being-expressed-is similar to the language of Kundalini-fully-Flowering after re-surrection guided by the Original Beings on Earth: the Bird-people or First Borns*)

In worlds of over-objectivation-total Mitote or the dominating Norm of the opiniating crowd 

the Frozen Norm: 

the Evolution of the Real Man is blocked. In complete imprisonment, through listening to the-conditioned-shoulds and oughts from ages

man is drowning in counterforces: dominating-over-powering-paralysing him

always questioning the "outside" for affirmation, because he is in slavery-dependance*)

Ultimate Freedom is the Let Go of the internal and external "whatching Eye" inhibiting the total expression of the subject in the total freedom to express itself in complete additive creation towards Creation*)

only in this Times: it is not the external library opening*), but the "art of reading and listening" the internal record of the Akasha Library, still present and implanted in All of Us*)

Our DNA-the greatest chip of the Universe-and surely on Earth: being million of kilometers in lenght, when the helix is straightened out is the seat of Infinite Wisdom-the Collection of (human) experience following the lines of -All-ancestors, towards the Arch-Father(s)*)

There is the library of all Evolutionary Processes-we went through- found enregistered. 

The Sacred Plants being the Key of the Library*)

the Subjects' challenge is to find His inner Master.

His inner Wisdom, 

His Inner History 

to come back to Union with the awareness of His Eternal Being, towards the Crown

He came from long Times and from very far

To remember Evolution, to re-member- Human History: total surview of the Human condition even going-beyond Time, is available Now

many People -allready reading the records- will bring total awareness into ONE

The great Festival of Gathering: the extases of consciousness: 

all pain understood, the return of the trans-religious DIVINE ONE-NESS of All-in One

The objectivational-dominant-attitude and learning from external Reality as Being

of a necessity, to experiment including the scientific spheres

will be replaced by Non-conditional Love-without objection-which means 

the Freedom to De-velop the Subject from his En-velopping conditions

-the Fysical being Purified,

-the Emotional Purified and expressed: understood and Forgiven

-because it is known now how it functions and is not judged

-the Mental Free and becoming at ease, because of the awareness complete(d) and de-rolled from past

Re-Birth to One-ness after all the exhausting-polarising dualities, dichotomies conflicts,judgments, wars not comprehended, but obsessively acted out

the Birth-Process of Humanity goes through the examining of Own Consciousness.

the left side of the Human Brain being the side of the objectivated

being object of instruction, object of circumstances, representing the total of experience*)

the right side of the Brain being the aperture: the opening of expression of the Subjectivity after resumation of the Whole*)

The acceptance and re-cognition of the Snake: representing the total of Human Experiences and-Consequences, intermediating in this Life and integrating the Whole into the individual*)