Force and Health-6-
The Un-conditional Love opens the blockage for the Dragon
The Dragon recognized, understood, forgiven and guided gives Great Relief
This Great Relief gives energy to the All-encompassing-Force:
The Dragon liberated-by understanding Awareness and Forgiving-means: the Force can rise-up-
The Dragon only being liberated when the Force can verticalize
Because when re-acting with that same Dragon on the-interactive-horizontal
It causes Repetition and Cycling-and all the dis-eases with it
The Dragon rises in aspiration, after emptying past-having the-Liberational-Void for inspiration-Meaning, that aggression-fear-guilt and depression are emotions to be purified and so transcended. A Creative process towards the main Values, Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice-once the relation between the mud and the Lotus is understood
When the Dragon re-acts from powerlessness to power-need: re-starting the cycle
Evolution draws back to past: this-repetition of-regression will be the cause of depression:
Like in recent Humanities' History-again, when some"important"-one is busy repeating-already seen-history
It will be-again- the Cause great dis-ease:
Claiming force they are far from it-claiming health they are dis-eased
The force of physics is no Real-Force-the way so many use it-it is breaking through the laws of integrity and balance and when considering the consequences the ways you use-d- it:
-destroyed Nature has no chance in it
-it is pulling backwards Evolution for millions of years
The absurd final consequence of objectivation
When all Life was becoming "thing-ness"
Like, destroying the Rainforests because of Greed:
Before you finish of-f- with the Lungs of Mother-Earth
Before you menace to destroy Creation-to stay in power...or to be able to collect more and more for you
For "you" as a nexus at the cost of all others in this Universe
You better first listen to IT
The Geniality in All of Us and all the Kingdoms
Hearing from the Queens' Wisdoms,
How to re-enter in the Vital Force
Of Your deepest Lovely Self:
In Health Loving Health and Health Loving Love
Again the Rainha has to be PRESENT