Force and Health-7-
Teaching them to re-learn Respect
Because the Times of artificial overpowering
Dominating in un-equality and lack of respect for all of Creation
This times are finished: it will suffocate itself
Being an unnatural part of Creation it will die out
Like the slavers still abusing the 27 million slaves in this Times, will See them-selves-when dying-receiving the non-compassion they spread themselves, the lonelyness of death in marambic illusive worlds-they created them-selves
Because the Awareness-to get-out of this trap will rise more and more. The mechanisms better understood and We will be re-be-coming-to-All-One, when forgiven. The separateness as final consequence of objectivation will be generally re-cognized as unbearable The restless Firing evident. The Cure for this epidemic has to be passed by All, who are in Dis-Ease-not following the Laws of the Universe. Though it is still every-ones' free preference to overcome THIS, the final choice will be for
Re-Learning the steps towards the Original Force
Re-becoming the be-Loved Original Child Radiating and realizing
Love, Harmony, Truth and Justice as the Anchors of Life
One-ness reached when Every-One is-again-re-surrected from:
The mortal position-You as object without direction-in this great centrifuge, the Vortex of Fear-
Only Love will stabilize Your Focus
Only Love will behold You from the accelerations
Re-Be-coming in the center of the Vortex,
You never have to get in the multitudinal dizzy-ness again
This is the Meaning of Concentration is real Power is Love
Reentering into Naturalness-You cannot be manipulated
Once again One with Creation through Love and Respect
Realizing Own Divine Uniqueness, re-member-ing into Equality,
because ensured of Own Worth and Totem
In the tribal conviviality they learned Brotherhood,
Practicing this Science to honour the extended Family
Being liberated, the unnatural-power-need is understood
Diluting its' excesses and trespassing over others
Staying healthy in His Center, He is in contact with the Vital Force
Through which He is in contact with Him-Self, Creation and the Kingdoms
Through which He understands
the relation between Force and Health
being Healed is having become Whole
becoming Whole is the liberational process of contamination of the levels of FEMS
the creative balancing and expression
of what really oppressively impressed You or imprisoned and envelopped You
Healing is getting Free from all-That
re-dis-cover-ing Your Real Loving Power