When the Master is not Home anybody enters-1-:
not knowing how to create your Life, 'they' will it do for you
not knowing Your deep aspiration and the direction of your original Self: they will decide it for You
not knowing what You want, the Mitote makes your Imprisonment and Your Obligation
not knowing how to Be, there are just shoulds and oughts and no evolution in the repetitive conditioning
when you don't re-member with Your Truest Self, you can just copy Appearance, repetitive Normality
the conditioned appearance travelling far away from Your Truest Self, the painful distance from Your-Self will implicate your rebellious Dragon
blaming the conditioning Mitote cannot Free You, there will be Bitterness only and just revenge left, and the reflection of It
Choosing consequently for Your deepest aspiration-your Life Dream for Self and Others-You free Your True Self and help Evolution getting on track again. You help Humanity to get Free, by doing it Your Self:
inner Liberation, which is the de-velop-ment out of the conditioned en-veloppes
Getting to Your True Self, You have to pass the re-active Dragon of Your Past, the Bitterness and the revenge-even on the Fact that "they" put You on Earth: this Desolate orphanage, this Valley of tears and Judgments. But is this All True NOW. Is This Dragon only is still re-acting on past events of the powerless, sensitive Child in your body-mind-memory:
About re-acting on Past:
memory represents only-the causal-of past Pains, which could be re-stimulated any time, by anybody. The Dragon seems to be True now-being restimulated by situations and persons-but You're not that powerless Child anymore. You are the adult, allowed to define and Create Its Own reality, when you're still only in re-action of past though You are re-acting to an illusionary truth, which is not Now and not Here anymore and when the mind indeed registers-only-mostly survival or traumatic moments, your Dragon is provoked by illusions Now
So relax the Dragon and see the Power-needing-equivalent on the Powerlessness You experienced. See the conditioning and look at your Ego-make-up, to cover and hide this Beast and guide Him towards the Creative realization of Your deepest Aspiration, which-by the way will cause an immense relief for many.
Your original Self, which is Allways Love, to begin with Self-Love and Self-Respect to end with the embracing ot the Creation, the 'Other-ness'-and the More and More embracing the Whole: this is True Evolution out of the repetitive Conditioning and the-Human-Self-alienating worlds
the Road towards One-Self-even by embracing but Witnessing the inner mind-without censure-is the Way towards Union with the Whole, when any-one does That, there will be final Justice and Final Peace for every-one .Through the Loving-acceptant-radiation of
Your Being-being the Greatest Force there Is- no-body, who can enter You with the intention to tresspass.
In the Utmost expression of Your deep Love, Your Innermost Being, there are no enemies left to enter
Because All-aware
is All-Understood, and when real Now is there-actualization-
What is there to revenge for?
When the Master is Home , there are no enemies left to enter
This is All-compassionate Love, without differentiation:
all is Seen,
All is Understood,
All is Forgiven
It was fear and pain, what pushed You out of the Body-totally identified with mind, you lived for years in the Abstract shocked and overwhelmed by Fear-Based mind in compulsive repetition, Fear through conditioning, Fear through trips of power, to easy tresspassing You, alienating you from You:
Your I AM, Your Base Home,
How many times you realized, you have been anybody, except Your-Self
How many of you have been anybody, except them-Selves,
It was the fear to be left alone, to be abandoned, which made you some-one outside of You
the massive quantity of layers, of the conditioned shoulds and oughts,
completely loosing contact, which who You Really Are.
This can be experienced as a Labyrinth, an imprisonment so desperate, the pressure of obligations suffocating:
Your Beauty Your Innocence, Your Purity, Your open Confidence and Trust in Existence, Your Wondering, Being ripped of. But from those layers: the Inner Body-Your Base Home can be liberated, from irritants, from frustrated expression fromout the pain-body of -Past, just by recognizing, Seeing your Dragon, forgiving and accepting IT, that it is the accumulation-bodey of re-actions-not expressed-on moments of Painful! content, still in the Body registrated still in the mind remembered subconsciously registrated: the passed pains, sometimes re-actualized by re-stimulation of similar powerlesness, and impossibility...?....The Fear and Pain can be so repetitively restimulated, that the stage of exhaustion comes in:
the moment that You have to learn to Master the mind consciously and to LEARN
to liberate the Moment,
from all this mind storms, all what has, and is being said about You even on distance is not of any importance. Because Just when You have the courage to jump into the Free unknown, much will become Possible, though many will be busy to hold you in the known past, because some-One freeing Himself will demonstrate the shadows:
of own-obscure-imprisonments, we all were conditioned in, because, when You are getting too strong, there will be a Mirror in front of them, showing the Illusive realities, we humans created, the worlds of so called Normality-even when miserable, the worlds of Appearances and bank-accounts:
nevertheless the Values 'they' broke to get there, and the pains and suffering
of many it caused and needed to come to this righteousness, the-still so many-Veiled hearts of indifference
Don't forget if You are from the Heart-even in the poorest conditions:You are strong, when passing the streams of not O.K-ness, the miljons of opinions, trying to enter Your thought-patterns: they are all incorporated Judgments trying to enter, fromout the mitote or matrix: the imprisoning dense worlds of (pre-)judgments trying to snow you in again, even when You were Free Once
Loosing the direction of Your Worth,
forgetting the Values, impregnated by Fears-through the repressed Dragon deep in the subconsciousness-the Fear freezing it and the Guilt holding it as containers-the Fears provoked by the biochemic reality of toxifications and the accumulated artefacts in You, the Master is veiled, the heart blocked and the Rumours are dominating,
there is No Calmness, in the worlds of flashing Virtuality. rushing objects passing the mind, by the millions of impressions
Liberating the Moment, the meditative relaxation is needed to able to come Home in the Inner Body of Oneness with One-Self, withdrawing from the worlds of Appearance, the Silencing and the Witnessing of the mind so immensely occupied, so busy buzzing
Through coming Home in the inner Body of One-ness with One-Self,
You re-Enter the Temple of Being
Asking Forgiveness before entering,
the Here-the inner Body of the Authentic You,
beyond object, inner judgment, beyond Separation Overlapping the real Self,
Your Home-Being Is Your Force and Your Immunity,
Your Pure Being,Your Protection:
the right direction is the shield In the Here and Now,
there is No Guilt,
because no-mind-when there is no time-distraction from Now,
Now and Here:
which IS Truth, which Is Peace
Liberation is in the Now-Here