When the Master is not Home anybody can enter-2-
Witness the mind-waves through the irritant artefacts, but don't dis-appear in the identification with It. YOU KNOW-inside Yourself: What is What, because-any-One is gifted with Eternal Wisdom
First You made the movement of Liberation, but-again-feeling the imprisonments of repetitive mind-by the multiple binds and obligations from outside You stood frozen, loosing Direction. Now look through the repetition-restimulation-of the so ancient powerlesness child in You, by repetition of memory-like nicotine does-, constriction of the vascular system of your brains-like adrenaline and fear does, stimulating the survival mind, like-again-both adrenaline and intoxication does:
this is the Trap of the exteriorized One,
exteriorized, because seeking unconditional Love outside
In the Dynamic meditation or prayer-which should be made part of every-ones'education-You can give first this unconditional Love to Yourself-by following the intuitive movements of Your emotional body-, so You will be able to repair past for You and liberate It from You
Now: re-centering to Your True Being, passing through the fear-blockages, connect Your Anger-the repressed Dragon-giving attention as a Real Father-Mother to His Child in Pain-cause of all anger-and to take Care of the localized tensions and contractions in Your Body, because there Your-interior-expressive energies are Blocked: You were not supposed to be as Crazy as that, said the exterior. But this Crazyness could be Your Beauty, it is the imprisoning Normality of the Matrix, which caused all those real-but repressed and projected-crazyness and
in All This and by all this Your Worth, You Value, and Your Totem-Shield and Animal, became frustrated, while blocked to come Out. You can refind in this type of Meditation, which up till Now had to be active, because of the immense amount of repressed-authentic-energies in the Western World. To come to Silence, Balance and Emptyness, we have to empty Us of the too Much infused in Us by the incredibly vast mitotic Matrix, represented in mind. Mind hindering Our Authentic Movement full of Love and Life:
But in this kind of Meditation-Dance You can Follow the movements of the repressed authentic crazy One as a Crazy One, because the emotional-body is having the Wisdom and the Direction for You, helping You to break through with Your repressed Shadow through your image and appearance, the imprisoning mirror of the matrix: Fearfull Appearance, the Mirror of Your "imprisoning Judger", Image as the Killer of Your Authentic You: the internalized conditonings, the ages-old-shoulds and oughts of
But in this kind of Meditation-Dance You can Follow the movements of the repressed authentic crazy One as a Crazy One, because the emotional-body is having the Wisdom and the Direction for You, helping You to break through with Your repressed Shadow through your image and appearance, the imprisoning mirror of the matrix: Fearfull Appearance, the Mirror of Your "imprisoning Judger", Image as the Killer of Your Authentic You: the internalized conditonings, the ages-old-shoulds and oughts of
conditional Love, we all experienced
Giving attention to Your Inner Body-Temple, descending in IT, towards the lowest and the outer corners, You include and marry all the-hidden-aspects of You, even Your utmost Beast, the accumulated Dragon of Your Past, marry IT, become at-One with It
Giving attention to Your Inner Body-Temple, descending in IT, towards the lowest and the outer corners, You include and marry all the-hidden-aspects of You, even Your utmost Beast, the accumulated Dragon of Your Past, marry IT, become at-One with It
Marrying Your-Self is re-marrying with-of-Creation, Your Nature, the Natural in You
Healing further IT from inside, following those movements-listening to the Inner Bodily-Pains and what they tried to tell You for so long
Pains and tensions are showing You: where Your inner Force is conflicting with the exterior-but-internalized-Judger-the Matrix-the Mitote of Judging Opinions, still circulating in and around You. Mind can be fysically expressed, like in the sometimes permanent fear-capsula around the body, overshadowing Your Original Shining Divine Face, doubt pushing You back into Unhapyness, the Hurt Child again showing It-Self
the Neck-the meeting point of the Emotional Body and our Life Force-so tense holding so long Your inner movement towards-Liberation, because deep down is YOU-there-As You Are, always wanting to express it-Self, to get in balance with contraction
Healing further IT from inside, following those movements-listening to the Inner Bodily-Pains and what they tried to tell You for so long
Pains and tensions are showing You: where Your inner Force is conflicting with the exterior-but-internalized-Judger-the Matrix-the Mitote of Judging Opinions, still circulating in and around You. Mind can be fysically expressed, like in the sometimes permanent fear-capsula around the body, overshadowing Your Original Shining Divine Face, doubt pushing You back into Unhapyness, the Hurt Child again showing It-Self
the Neck-the meeting point of the Emotional Body and our Life Force-so tense holding so long Your inner movement towards-Liberation, because deep down is YOU-there-As You Are, always wanting to express it-Self, to get in balance with contraction
But realize everytime, when this whole body of Fear returns-it is based on past mind, so illusive. And realize every Time, that You can be imprisoned by-actual states of body-mind, coming from heightened adrenaline-levels of the toxic-state and our diminuating defenses against the free radicals, stimulating freely our neuronic pathways. Many are in lack of de-tox-capacities, like in lack of Selenium, Magnesium-natures' tranguilisant-glutathion, in lack of the detoxifying vitamins, to stay free, form un-inhibited firing neurons: compulsive thinking, cause of much Dis-Ease. Many will need restituation of our Natural Balance, Deep-relaxation, Rest and Purifying Water, You need then. Instead of adding toxifying xeno-molecular-treatments' further ulling Us into adrenaline-bound-survival-and conflictual zones. This is what real Medecin is about and the Miracles of the Divine Medecins: Our Sacred Plants.
Purifying the fysical, restoring elementary balance, dynamically freeing Your-self from restricitve, but illusionary past, drinking Shakti's Divine Nektar, Now You looked straight in Paradise-detailed Vision of the Queens'Flower, you can
realize Our Fathers Paradise is in the Heart of the World, when Love is there
In the Garden, the Master can be re-found
Listening and Caring for the Sacred Plants
You refound Joy and Bliss in and around You
Original Creation is Paradise as it IS-in Suchness
Dawn is re-membering You, to Your-every day-potential Re-Birth
E-volving by Subjectivation, there are no objects neither objectivation
Neither this, nor that
and that All through Meditation
in One Day You got reborn
The Master coming Home is the You re-entering Your Temple, giving attention and Love to all, what was hidden in Your inner Body and Your innermost Emotions, without any judgments: Going through the Movement of All, what will Liberate You, You can enter
the total Freedom, free from any Tension-Contraction
which is mostly fromout-illusive and traumatic Past, mind regsitrating mostly surviving moments-and which is what
The conditions entered at those times, because of Your Fear-to be abandoned-and because of Your forgotten Direction, you let them enter:
The conditions entered at those times, because of Your Fear-to be abandoned-and because of Your forgotten Direction, you let them enter:
but This is-or can be-the Dynamic Re-birth into the Now, called the Dynamic Prayer or Meditation, the re-Centering fromout Your exteriorized non-Self, creating Dis-ease in You and around You, refinding the center of the Vortex, resetting the Set-Your mind-in the protected Setting-not to hurt, neither yourself nor others, otherwise continuing the Cycles of tresspassing, the victim-victimizer-cycles, because In the Let Go of Past-pain-anger-and fear-body's, the energy can be very great So use a safe environment: In Isolation in Naturalness and Nature, in the refinding of the Authentic You you need the courage to be Alone to become Whole. You go against-through-and beyond the Mitotic restrictions-the Matrix-,
Passing Your Past not O.K-ness, to be able to re-become All-One
the More Past is purified, the more Oneness is possible and Oneness with All is only possible, when You are One with the Whole Self, so also
the More Past is purified, the more Oneness is possible and Oneness with All is only possible, when You are One with the Whole Self, so also
the Original One, YOU
Which is localized in the deepest layer of the Inner Body, while CHI is the Bridge between Your Outer Body and the Original Unmoved-Utterly Silent, Un-manifested Self,
Your Love, Your Source, Your Master
Walking to and through Your inner Body, You follow the River (CHI), towards the Source of the River. Giving attention to Your Essence, behind the Layers of Conditioned Fear and Guilt, Now You need the Forgiveness for the Dragon to enter further,
the Forgiveness being non-dual-every-thing-o.k-ness
in which You can relax into Wholeness, and when you're able to Forgive the Dragon, You can Forgive Others', Which is adding to the final Justice-needed-to go towards Peace: the "I AM" free from fears, which is the Void free from mind: Again becoming One with the Witness, which is the Melting with the "above symbols" of trancendance
the Sun-Father, the Moon-Mother and the Son-Star-brother-sister, melting with Your Original Being
This is the first Opening to Oneness: the Father-Son-Mother holding You Above and deep down in You are the barriers of Separateness Melting with the Tri-Unity: Father-Mother-Son and becoming One with them. Slowly, slowly You understand the Process of becoming One with Transcendence and Ultimate Peace and Freedom,
Which is localized in the deepest layer of the Inner Body, while CHI is the Bridge between Your Outer Body and the Original Unmoved-Utterly Silent, Un-manifested Self,
Your Love, Your Source, Your Master
Walking to and through Your inner Body, You follow the River (CHI), towards the Source of the River. Giving attention to Your Essence, behind the Layers of Conditioned Fear and Guilt, Now You need the Forgiveness for the Dragon to enter further,
the Forgiveness being non-dual-every-thing-o.k-ness
in which You can relax into Wholeness, and when you're able to Forgive the Dragon, You can Forgive Others', Which is adding to the final Justice-needed-to go towards Peace: the "I AM" free from fears, which is the Void free from mind: Again becoming One with the Witness, which is the Melting with the "above symbols" of trancendance
the Sun-Father, the Moon-Mother and the Son-Star-brother-sister, melting with Your Original Being
This is the first Opening to Oneness: the Father-Son-Mother holding You Above and deep down in You are the barriers of Separateness Melting with the Tri-Unity: Father-Mother-Son and becoming One with them. Slowly, slowly You understand the Process of becoming One with Transcendence and Ultimate Peace and Freedom,
the experience of the Final Justice after all this years of compulsive mind-fears
So the direction is towards the Inner Body downwards, passing the attention needing Pain-areas, giving it the Void to listen to, You integrate Your-Self in becoming Whole: entering Your inner body is entering Home
So the direction is towards the Inner Body downwards, passing the attention needing Pain-areas, giving it the Void to listen to, You integrate Your-Self in becoming Whole: entering Your inner body is entering Home
Past pains and Future fears overcome, You are able to Stay in Nowness-which IS Peace, the Gates to the Source being Nowness. Time-less NOW which is the Un-manifested, Solving past pain-psychological Time-in Now, You solve Time, also by Forgiving and being Forgiven in NON-Duality
Then comes the Nothing-Contained-Void: all-embracing and imbibing Love. The Master Is Home, there is All-One, there is No in and No Out so no-body enters or goes out
there is no object, no-body, no thingness, no barreers no separate-ness
Just All-Embracing One-ness,
being All-embraced by All-One
Then comes the Nothing-Contained-Void: all-embracing and imbibing Love. The Master Is Home, there is All-One, there is No in and No Out so no-body enters or goes out
there is no object, no-body, no thingness, no barreers no separate-ness
Just All-Embracing One-ness,
being All-embraced by All-One
the Master in You
non-movement , embracing movement