Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Health Force-1-

Health Force-1-

Carefully observe the Love and Perfection in which the Vital Force expresses Itself. Allready on the physical plane alone: directing millions of metabolic pathways in every Cell: Communicating millions of Signals to other cells in the organisms. Sending throughout protein-coding millions of messages-only on that level

Can you mesure the expression on Other Planes?

Before you have the pretention-to have power on others, are you able-first-to humble yourself into the full imagination of all this happening any moment and every-where? And then realize the pretention to imprison this expression of the greatest Miracle there IS: LIFE on Earth

Can you Imagine that Love is the only emotion-needed-to give Birth, to the Crown of Evolution-s-YOU-and compare then: the way YOU All Treat IT

Like an object to be trespassed

First treating YOURSELF like an object-in constant self-judgment Imprisoning the Force in Yourself all by yourself. Let go of this Inner War and worrying and Let Be what IS-allready perfect-. Let Your Health express that Force and the Force being expressed through Health and Respect of the Force

The Vital Force is an utmost expression of Love

Like DNA is Love in Perfect expression. Much is to be learned from IT, especially through intro-spection, because through introspection, You will see the combined expression of Love, wanting to come out-towards and re-connect with the Central-evolutionary-Ax of total Unification:
At-One-ment, available for any-one at any moment
The whole Evolution of the Universe and that of the Earth is a process from Light towards Light. For Now it means:
the more Unification the more might be en-lightened.
The more You go towards the Respect of It, the more you grow with IT, the lighter You will Be.
The More you become Aware of the direction She goes, the more you become One with It,
The more diamond-colour You receive:
the Queen is speaking Now:

After freeing yourself in the helical-Subjectivating birth-movement-from objectivating past,
turning with the spiral-of aspirational non-duality, of that second Birth,
You follow Her helical movement towards around the Universal Ax, fromout the Heart:

Your Heart and that of Existence,
focusing on the multiple radiant Energies every-where in Nature.
Seeing the Basic Beauties of the elements of Creation.
So You are be able re-consider to reach out towards Health and Force and
it will be by this Health-Force, that You will be realizing Your Essence from inside Out,
it will liberate You from Dis-ease to Ease

Knowing that You need Your Health, to bring Your Unique Message-Your Unique Value
brought as an expression of Your Vital Force-in the Service of the Whole-of HUMANITY and
Creation as a whole:

You have to start to Love first all levels of Your Self:

The Fysical: through knowing the Laws of Nature and HER needs to Balance, Her need for an ortho-molecular input, regular purifying and deep relaxation,
transforming aloneness in All-Oneness, with the Use of the pure Sacrament instructed, You can also witness:

The Emotional: by knowing and understanding the Dragon of the tortured parts in Yourself, witnessing them, not to re-act on Each Other, but to evolve her re-active energies in the Creative Spiral. Identifying with that Dragon you are just being ignorant of her past quality. You are just re-acting on painfull moments registrated in Your mind, from the many earlier environments, having made much impression on You.


Every time asking your-self: Is It Now and Is It Here?
The most liberating emotion always being Love.