Friday, July 9, 2010

Health Force-2-

Health Force-2-



Guiding the Dragon towards energy-into expression of Your unique creative contribution


Harming no-One

The mental: by learning to master It and giving it a rest through non-duality

Just whatching it derailing with its genial moves

Learning to respect: the greatest of Instruments of all: the Human Brains


Learning It to grow towards Divine invention and perception

Switching more and more into Beauty and realising the Perfection of Creation

Honouring IT instead of depreciating

Emptying mind instead of filling it with repeating judgments and too outwardly registrating

Learning to cut the-by the Dragon motored-compulsive objections

After even Loving its' absurd geniousness

Use even-in the acceptance of the negative-this Force towards the Rebirth of the Self

Without harming self and others-finding Force and health in Light


The Flowering~Lotus came also from the obscuritry of the Dark and muddy Waters

But going from the Dis-ease towards Ease and Health-refinding Force-Is plainly through the detoxification of the millions of times you got exposed to the countless chemicals the value-free scientists introducewd yearly Into the circuits of Creations'Life chains and habitats

Which over the whole and over the years in combination and accumulation

Proves to BE fatally IRRESPONSIBLE concerning Life-Creation


and Humanity Itself

Scientists loosing Value, forgetting Respect and the Humbleness towards Creation, came through the value-free and masking quality of the money-drive;

the Greed Scientists with narcistic drive to proof-themselves-while voiding communication of the whole towards the Whole.

Because arrogance is the Quality which cannot listen-to the Whole

This-outwardly-seeming Respectful,

but in Essence little boys irresponsible Fire Playing

The response of Nature-Creations' Mother,

response of the One-Woman Being the Rainha:

Mirrors the terrifying qualities of intoxication generalized In multiple minds firing together

Your "scientific positivism" and mis-communications

All perhaps innocent in private intention,

but generalized and in daily practice proving to be Fatal:

through accumulative combination of all the problems and challenges

The cellular Life is been exposed with,

the Life, the Liver is too often in detox-exhaustion


See around you the face of misery and DIS-ease

That is why man is called the greatest enemy of himself

But do you know any man who made the DNA?

Aren't you not just a part of Creation or are you the Creator of IT?

So Realize Respect of this Divinity in the 180% turning of perceptions

Only in surrender Creation starts to radiate and demonstrates its Royalty

Instead of Filling, You better Empty yourself More and more

It is about Less and less, Instead of Grasping,

letting Go instead of Complicating,

Instead of Objecting, Learning to Accept