Saturday, June 5, 2010

Multitudinal density and transcendental One-pointedness-1-

Multitudinal Density and Trancendental One-pointedness-1-:
The levels of the Material worlds-the movement of-electron-particles, giving the Illusions of Density and Multitude
The illusionary world of objects, the phenomenons on One side, the Vibrations, the Energy, the Void, the other aspect: the noumenos. Because we are afraid of No-Thing and we are 'scared to Death', we got attached to the object-worlds

But the binding Forces, the Energy, Love, Harmony-Void are more fluid, gazeous even etheric and more Light
The desintegrational counterparts are Death, Objectivitation, Entropy, Hate, Fear and Guilt
The Void being every-where is around and in It All, 

like also: the Soul is in One
It is the Slow-ness of the senses registrating Form-Quality and Multitude of phenomenons; while for the dominant part of IT,
IT IS Emptyness, Energy, Vibration
Mind being part of the senses, is always slow and conservative, holding old realities fixed in Time, projecting past on future. The Swiftness of the Now and Here can be the opening of the-retarding-and retarded-mind, towards the Trancendental One-Pointedness
The Source of Life looking into the multitude of human-mind-creation, the potential experience and possible consolidation byond the density: the too much and dense worlds of Chaos and Marachimbic and conflictual worlds. Look at the Visions of Original Man, describing the Basic Elements of Creation, using them as transcendental Anchor-points, to be able to go the steps towards the Beyond:
The Sun above the Earth: the One Point, Source of Life and Light, the Father

The Moon pulling up the-irrational-Forces and the water-holding-substances of Life, upwards
Full-Moon, the times of the Cleaning of emotions from past and the endless pains of separateness,

The Moon-Mother comforting this process of Liberation and Purification from fear-combined with the Force of the Sacred Plants, S-H-E represents and functions actually as the All-Compassionate Love, remembrance of the Sense of Being complete in NOW, no past oriented pain-bodey or fear-capsula en-velopping Us, no future-oriented projected expectational Hopes, desires, frustrations, rage and again Fears:

the Liberation of the Now in Time
the Here in Space
the Heart pulled up towards the One Point:
the verticalness of Liberation, stretching Our Being
Our two feet on Earth safely planted
the resurrection from All This, extending the Kundalini helixes
into Loving Union:
which is the concentration of One-pointedness
which is realizing Love
This worlds of densities, opinions and-self-judgments, objects, purposes and objectivational complaints, multitudinal materialism, wars and worries, seperateness, but also the Slowness of the multitude, the mass of things. We All-running for purpose-we are forgetting Essence, Energy and Love. Harmony, Justice and Truth: which Is NOW-Here, we forgot the Pathways from density to Void.
In this Emptyness, this Free Space, experiencing this Loving Creation build out of Harmony we again can respire. This is what the Tibetans called the Eastern world of Dawn-versus the sunset creation of the West:
the orientation on the Early Hour, the Dawn Meaning: in the meeting of the Silence and the Calmth of the Moment of New Promises, the refreshing Liberation of Past-mistakes and pains-:
Man can be Liberated from the Multitudinal-the All-accumulated-Mind
This is the Man re-member-ing with Creation, the Morning Star, courageous and un-inhibited: the good news it is Possible-and the Man remembering and knowing the Focus on That-ness, Naturalness, Nature and Creation as a Whole, because born out of him-self forwards into His Original-Ultimate-Perfection, He is re-Member-ing with the Creator, the Transcendant, the Non-Movement-of All-Peace

Beyond this Density IS the Real Teaching, this IS the Man learning, that He Is in his essence Free from the Mind-Hologram being the totality of the Exterior-Perceived-and received during life-times and accumulated in his diverse memory-systems. The re-Membrance' of all kinds of experiences and consequences.
But the Ultimate Experience, being free from All That, re-Birthing Byond all That-suffering and separateness, the Free and True Self re-member-ing Being with Him-His Own Original Being-again, re-member-ing having been part of Creation All Those Time-s-

Finally realizing He is That Peace in Essence,
that He is Free in Void, He realizes old fears of Let go, He can pass the pains of old non-Love and painful! separateness,but when

He Secures Him-this True-Self into the One-Pointedness, he Knows the vertical Direction to Over-Come more and more and learns to see the Horizontal Imprisonment of the Linear-Thinking mind Tissue of Cause and Effect-s-to See his past mind-convictions and fixated conditioned attitudes of Non-O.K-ness. Passing the conditioned layers of by Fear installed self-judgments, results of conditional Love-oriented educations, not focusing on the Real Worth ANY-ONE HAS

The exterior Hologram is also Inwards: we have it All in, which is also OUT:

You have the Universe in Mind, and the multitudinal minds below IT-incorporated. Like You have Creation in IT, but also the human artifacts superimposed on It and in It.
It is up to You to choose the human illusional, material density, the mental multitudes-like the mitote-chattering or the Utter Harmony of Original Creation, in Perfect Silence, made out of Love:

The Morning Star-during the Teachings were showing All This:
the Original Meaning of Creation
Paradise being at the Heart of the World,
the House of the Father re-member-ed in Own Body

the Original Pureness in YOU and around You, when You choose the Right Setting of Natural Creation having transcended the mind-set. More and More we will re-choose or have Our Preference for the Original Beauty and Original Meaning of Creation. Choosing for It we will re-start respecting it and restore the damage towards IT.

Switching the Essential towards THIS, in the realization of the many illusions we choosed to switch our attention to. 
Through saturation we will be longing towards Simplicity and through the Multitudinal Density we will be longing for the fresh AIR, the Eather, the Freedom in the Void,
the One-Pointedness of Transcendence,
the Fresh New Dawn in Forgiveness

All realizing the Illusions of the Multitudinal density, All in severe Dis-Ease, will be Healed in the re-surrectional movement, towards the

Calmness of Ease