Multitudinal Density and Transcendental One-Pointedness-2-:
All realizing, that we were being an object of Conditioning, the dense field of being Judged-and so Judging-as a habit, we created the Orphanage of not-O.K.-ness and -as a consequence-the generalized Rush towards manifestation in Appearance-not in Being-because deeply conditioned that Being-just Your Original Self, was not enough. You as Messenger of the Values not recognized, the Orphan in the Conditioned world, so forgetting Your Own Worth and Essence:
You are mainly BEING A LOVE-Energy not just an object of education
So we learned to be tresspassed and developped the Dragon with the restless emotions manipulating in Crazy Ways to get Attention: Real Love, testing the Authorities and parenthood about the Love without Conditions:
If I act like This, you still Love Me?
This screaming for Love and Attention being the cause and a part of this Multitudinal Density, filling the World with Noise and sounds of Arms and planes, complexity and rumour, badrap, false colours and extremism:
the Marachimbic Carnaval of Masks
Mind steered by those restless emotions, Pains and Defenses of Fear, Control and Power need and bitter Anger represents a mind still being pushed and pulled by Dis-satisfactions and impulses to Survive: the Root Cause of All This is the Desire to compensate the Lovelesness, the pains of being tresspassed in the Past, the realization of the own tresspassings in Your own History, the Shame and Guilt, knowing the re-active Dragon still in-side. So again:
Choose the Perfect Harmonious Environment, the Dawn Beauty and Pureness of Original Creation
The Moons' Silence and Clarity: re-comforting Queen of the Universe, is this idolatry?
no it is prosternation for What IS, the freshness of the Universe, the Cool Clarity beyond the dis-harmonies, the Comfort of Calmth and Emptyness
Asking Forgiveness for the Whole and for Your-Self,
using the Teachings You will be able to Liberate Yourself
The mind still will chatter, its habitual and repetitive non-Sense based on the old identifications with the worlds of Multitudinal density, the opinions and the conditioned non-O.K-ness so deeply engraved in Us:
MUTUAL bitterness, the revenge of the sexes, endless conflict of victims turning into victimizing
the victimizers into victims, one up one down, endless power-gaming wars and hopelesness,
the suffering on the exterior of the Wheel of Life, centrifugated towards the fields of being as the consequences of
great desires, the great frustrations, the pains and the lovelesness
Again, Center towards contentment and satisfaction, even in the most turbulent circumstances of utter conflict
don't affirm the war-seekers, instantiate and go back to the Harmonious environment to remember again and again
the Perfection of Nature and Creation, retire from the Cycles again and again, till more and more the Calmness and Peace
and the intention towards One-ness, becomes re-known:
the experience and consequence of the Harmless Void of the Liberated Astral Heaven
the AH-One-Void, the Desire-less State, The Silenced Mind, then the Loved One is Met
In the Free Center-the Ax of the Wheel, there is Perfect Satisfaction, No frustration, No- Object and no Purpose
Because of the realisation of the perfection In and Out of You, there is no re-stimulation of thought-trains
Look from the All-One-Void, the position of non-movement back into the movement and See the density of the multitudinal Muchness and remember why You were defensive so often, why there was so much fear there-in You and out of You-and the pains of-illusionary-past
But don't look too long in IT, not to re-become identified with IT, accept It, but know NOW this is not All
don't fight It, not to become IT, because what you fight, you start to resemble
Being courageous you can be in IT, you can sink in IT and through IT to touch the Earth, your Body as the other Witness and to reach the Source of Your Own Force, but use this Force to overcome the density
not to stay in the illusional worlds is a matter of preference and Choice
the Choice for Nature and Creation, when made in general, will save Humanity and the Kingdoms and Mother Earth
Consequent choice for the Artificial Illusive worlds of destructive Inventions is the Choice against Life, Existence, Nature, Naturalness
the choice against Creation as a Whole
Re-member Yourself with the resting Points and the Great Basic Values Comforting Life and Creation
One aspect of the Truth being Now, being also the Void, the Emptyness of the phenomenons-Being the most important part of the Multitude-
It takes out the density, when realized
Like conflict is mostly part of Past, So is density the illusion of Fullness
for Both you said:
this is Too Much-even today-,
but both where part of Illusion
Learn to choose for Void and Calmness, the Harmony of the Tranquillity of mind
and re-member the One Point