The Coloured Star-l-some Teachings about the 5 wisdoms of the Long Hum
After reviewing the Histories of religions in the Night
In the Awareness, that for every entry to the Divine
there was a Time and a Region, and a Part of Humanity at that Stage
Consider the Openings they give on different Timing
The development of the Witness
The Teachings of the Liberated One(s)the Inspired and Resurrected Ones The Ordinary, the Brother, describing the Process
Many tried to avoid that Process, going the Path,
Saying: It is enough to believe In Him
Does that give any authority and reason to dominate?
Dominate what?-the people, who are actually in the Process to surrender
they are easy to attack in prostration?
Stop the Judging on each Other
having closed all communication(s)as if Humanity is just different
reading another Book?
The only chance to re-Unify is to leave the difference(s) behind
Difference lies only in
the missed apprentice-ship of the All-Acceptance,
which is the Horizontal Ax of the Mani of the Colored Wisdoms
from the Roof of the World: Tibet
When there is no Object: the You-subject-radiates in Freedom
this being the Dawn of Your Being-free from all opinions about YOU
absorbed and accumulated judgments, conditioning from the past Sense
the Quality of that Freedom: IT IS YOU
Your Pure BEING: equals You in Freedom
of All those judgments in Mind- represented ^
and or Re-stimulated through the Fear-Mechanisms
So there is only the need to Purify- to liberate you from the Fears, which were the States of the Non-O.K-ness just in Your Mind
The conditioned opinions Captured through the many Mind(s) of others
That is Why the Colored Star reflected the Blue
which is mind Free of Past
opening from the great density of those multiple reflections
into the Beauty of the Now- looking into the Universe
leaving self behind entering Such-ness and-you empty-:
Such-ness entering you
This Leads towards the Realization that
in the Real NOW-ness: the TRUTH IS
and that Judgments are just products of past-conditionings in Mind
and the Self-Judgments: just opinions from another conditioned part of you
about You
consequences of the "Shoulds and Oughts"-You were Grown Up In
the permanent messages-we give each Other-of Not O.K.-ness
letting your own Mind continue to do that To You—
en-rolled You, en-slaved You and suffocated You
those envelopments letting You suffer in Pain
that is Why the Occidental mind is suffocating Now on One Side
and expressing Its Dragon on the Other Side
No Wisdom is applied in All last Years-Ages-of expanding Blindly
Only expressing the Repressed-Rebel-being Far from surrendering
Abusing Power, Victimizing others, the Dragon manifesing its Rage
being systematically deprived of Original Naturalness
Nou Surrender, no Walking of the Paths-the Masters walked-,
to reach the Own interior SUN, instead-referring to Him-in the meantime-not-respecting Br-Other-hood
The First Teachings of the Non-conditional-AII-accepting Love
Coming from the East: Orange the Dawn of the Rebirth-
The Subject free of "Objectivation"-no objection
utter contentment: Use that Morning Light
The permission to go into the Silence of the Universe
The Conditioned mind Seen in its complex Tissue from Above
The Coloured Star reflecting the Blue of the Clear Sky Mirroring backwards to Past(mind) Being-entering in Such-ness,
from the Such-ness is seen the relativity of the Body of opinions and Judgments
So the Liberating Quality of leaving Judgments
Colored Star reflecting inviting into Red
All evolutional Process for every-One understood from the Crown the realization that:
We All are One
When the essential Values are completely realized by All:
There will be No interfering Mitote-the Ether in Harmony:
disturbs None of the crystalline receptions
because the Ether is Cleared from negative Thought-content
Creation being revealed in the Brilliance of its Origin
More and more through the Development of the Great Values
and the Application of the Great Wisdoms of the Colored Star
inviting Us to See Now-because of Necessity-
Yellow-Orange-Red-the Ego-fires into All-Oneness
Seeing the Suffering and the Suffocating as unnecessary repetitions of Illusions
The religion(s) You fight are just the Ones You don't understand
the Process described in the Last is very often
the Process the Master(s)went through-Passing All
The suffering is meant to develop Compassion for-with All
to become All-One, which is the Realization effectuated in the Green of the Colored Star
The liberated Ones come back to help Us All in this Process of Liberation
The Bodhisattva's of the Green episode
already described by the Tibetans
replacing the Titan-Heroism-male Ego's still strangled
in Power- seeking contractions
busy with self instead of the Whole of Humanity