Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Queen-5-

The Queen-5-:


Instead of the Clear "Reborn"-coming out of the obscured mind we get easily identified-again-with the mind-storms as being Real, but being just a biochemical result of arti-faction of Nature, what is "seen" inside you see-projected-outside


"in the Sky I could choose between the two projections of my Being 

the-your-Dragon-immensely spread-on the miljon stars or< ------------------------------->"The-your-Flower came around the Rainha s' Leave"

what to choose-besides the illusionary aspect of the dragon-being a reaction on past pains: so illusionary,

In Choiceless-Awareness there is no Choice:

The Dragon comes to a Rest-realizing Now-ness and the Flower, Witnessing-above Him or

The Snake helixed Up and the Eagles' Wings hold-up the Transcendance

the Ego stopping for a moment

still in the Transitional State of-however-less-Abuse 

the mind goes anywhere, difficult to Master

The over-use of the Mix of Sacred Plants and the arti-facts is in the West

The Joint of the aventure 

the cause of drop-out motives: once having seen the perversion of the System

An Honest Child does not want to cooperate in That

knowing and having refound His Freedom, he recognizes:

the Slavery in this Manipulational Conditioning

wanting to pierce the matrix

He is trying to pierce an illusion

caused by the artifacts         ,

He drops out,

tuning in on Other Levels

re-finding the Vertical of Earth and Heaven

Every Whomb-Man a Gardener

giving pure Cow or Horse-Shit to the roots of the Queen

discerning artifacts from Real

but where is the New kingdom, the New Era?...

It is lying Inwardly into Purification and the Right Use of the Sacrament 

the Prosternation in front of Creation and 

the Knowing of the Values and the Wisdoms 

helping Us Out towards Transcendance

The Over-coming, the Re-birth is the Re-surrection for All

The double Axed Cross, The Crescent Moon the Sun, the Stars

You de-livering your-self to Suchness

In the Now the Whole is visible, acceptance of polarities

by non-duality you are in-cluding-again-the Whole and will be included by It

So becoming part of it, like It IS 

Awareness in relation-ship 

But Mixing too Much with too much, mixing the Sacred with the Banal, You may-be ending into complicative networks of mind. 

So-Instead of Purifying the Levels

The tendancy of-toxics-accelerating our Fear, 

we-they-many-most of Us, stay too much identified with the system-s, for or against It

but we All-to easily-identified with the illusions of the Past, the Myths', the Shoulds and Oughts: You still hold on: 

out of Fear ?

Liberational Moves-like freeing Past are of utmost Importance and gives the Final Liberation more easily:

being Clean from Past, 

You enter with New filters into New Perception

You will see the Brilliance and Radiance 

of Original Creation and Submitting to Original Creation:

the only place to surrender to

like surrendering towards You Originally

You from inside Out

The Soo much ridiculized Wholistic Approach is a Right Approach, 

because it concerns the Whole and is finally for All of-Us

Just still Completely asleep or in half or Non-Awareness

We have to wake up the automatic Pilot of this Worlds 

s-h-e is operating from Paradigms out of Date

Economocentric thinking of Materialism 

is in Pure Warfare with the Source-s-

of Creation 

the Male Ego which motored many World Wars, 


the Intuitive Wisdom of the One Womenhood of the Human Family

neglecting Your Child and S-H-e knows It sub-consciously

That is why S-H-e is Furious, 

when You mix a Sugared Spiritual Sauce on THIS 

at the same time talking about Freedom-

for a priviliged minority?

You forgot to think in terms of the Whole Family of Man

East-West-North-South: Justice-Equality-Equanimity-Acceptance of the Whole

this is the Truth for All, 

the Harmony needed for All,

the Love needed for All 

the Justice needed

for the Brotherhood of All

The Key of Harmony,

which IS

every-One en-abled to realize 

His Deepest Aspiration

Which is Love