You created The Queen-4-:
The Beauty-Power games: the Imaging Rivalries a constant War of Competence, we learn Them to over-Act to over-Do: the conditional layers of Appearances-instead-of being just
Our Original-Human-Being
In This All the Appearing Image-s-en-velop Us, completely out of Touch with Our-Original-Selves, oblitterating Our Original Divine Grace and Dignity
being a part of Creation
And because of All this starts the Dragon (our monsters,demons,dynosaurs) to Move-inside-
We became, their favorite in the outside illusional worlds, while the tortured authentic Being developped inside
Will this be the Gardener of Creation of tomorrow?
Some-One-being infused with miljards of images of Violence
Without realizing consequences-of the Karmic reflections-of Reality
because the consequences were illusive-they-deludedly-think, they can do All things?
the future and present Monstruosity
unless You go Repair and See what You do with Your Divine Children
This Child will explose with the minorest frustration-imposed
Will this Child ever have Compassion or be in contact With the Whole
When Your materialism is Your basic Motive and Value
starting as early as possible to make money on them: creating the realms of Addictions
the Imprisoned-Dependant-and Fearful Ones:
Then you intoxicate Him with food and other addictives
Then also the environmental pollution added, operating on His Delicate Brains
The most delicate computer of the Universe: in permanent Irritation and Disturbance
There it is: the cause of all interior inferno's
The easy Firing-mind-You-when identified with it-starting to suffer by the hallucinative over-activity of the neuronal functions. The cycles start to swing into Centrifugal Exteriority-motored by Fear:
Marachimbe is the Shamanic Name.
Like a disko-in Heat-the Fire-Places multiplying, the Illusions magnifying itself-fear causing fear-Love, Calmness, Peace very difficult to re-mem-ber, be-come-ing like Blind Spots:
we in the Illusion, that this is Without Consequences, while our Children are suffering in an allmost un-known way in these Days
But the Arrogance does not want to see his own '-Contribution to That
The integer Ones are almost being exhausted to see all This Happening
Does it need Power-Games to stop This?
No the saturational points are arriving: Many will say just: "Enough is Enough" and go into re-search of Own Consciousness, finding Own ways to Harmony, by realizing their Deepest Aspirations. Like there are many Queens' Sons and Daughters in the New Generations-, completely understanding the "Mis-Quality" and the Ugliness of our Western Operations towards the South, the 3d World, seeing our history with and towards the Indigenous Tribal Cultures of the First Borns and the African Continent, the Indians of the America's: All the Wisdoms repressed and replaced by-for Borrowed Knowledge? Forgetting the Original Meaning of Wo-Man
The occidental mind tries to be forgetful and a-historic, while the Bridge of the Caboclos is trying to re-mem-ber Us
Happily much Awareness was started in those Years, that the Queens' Flower was recognized as the authentic Loving Power of the Teachings, Her existence was Happily re-recognized, many started to re-Member-the Heart-by helping to restore the declining anandamide-Our Divine neurotransmittor, originally functioning in full health, but now threatened, because of intoxications and
much obscurity was caused, through the Using of the Sacrament, while mixing It and using It every day
mixing It-which was-by the Pure Lineages of the Teachings-not allowed, because of ages-old experience:
Knowing the obscuring effects on the Heightened and Pure perceptions of the Queens' Teachings
Intoxicated States of mind are magnified during the Teachings'-application
giving Her
the Queen