Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Queen -3-

struggle-The Queen-3-

There are many Children grown up in the abysmal artefacts of the Metropolitan "environment". Never being in contact with the Detailed Vision of Natures' Radiance, never having seen the Original, but completely deluded by the artifact-s-. They are completely hold Ignorant of the Two options Humanity has: going -Natural with Creation or destroy it with and into-even more-artefacts

Besides the Child-allready overburdened by illusions-will have no repair during Fall-episods.The Repair-being the Ultimate Contact with Elational Moments in Creation experienced: Like the Original Idea was and Naturally IS

We live with many Children in Our Family, completely alienated from Their Roots:having lost all their Connections of Natural Quality, so loosing themselves-again

Great Problems-as Re-action to This are everywhere manifest in metropolitans. The combinations of All Consequences are Visible NOW

Clarity has to come IN and the Exposure of the negative Forces Causing This:

The Golden Child-almost never listened to, never taken seriously

in His-Her Worth as Messenger from the Origin-of Life

being heavly Conditioned: being pushed into some-THING he is NOT

being an emotionally Orphan: 

many parents still being occupied with their own process

It-the Child-experiences many moments of Loveles-ness,

Non-acceptance, and dual-conditional-maniputation

If you do This: the Child-objected, will alienate from Her-True-Self, 

His Originally Created Worth-repressed by Power games,

Played by those, who were also Victims in their Past

In many Institutions those cycles turn

Then, there is no Repair of the Original Beauty and Re-vision on the Radiance of Creationbecause he does not know-re-member-to-His Roots

In those Institutions-overwhelmed by Ruthless Games-and the Stimulation of Concurrence-Rivalry and Competition, the enormous amount of-sub-Grouping-Bad-rap-and Judgments, there is a Great Blindspot: the forgotten education of Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Surrounded by-a Desire stimulating Consumerism about which Buddha would turn in His Grave-aart from the fact that He is Eternal. Sucked into ugly artifacts by-passing and even destroying Nature: 

tresspassing Creation is not Consciously done-Creation is just not Perceived or taken for grantedLike He/She does not learn to Listen towards Her Own Nature and Her Fysical-Emotional and-Mental Bodies, the Child does not learn to submit to the Miracle

The Spiritual even considered Ridiculous

So much Ignorance in the Illusion of so many Education

and Exchange of Borrowed Knowledge and Borrowed Conditioning

S-he is completely lost, alienated-from him Self-from his Nature-his Naturalness and his Creation

So many frustrated Desires-concerning the Love-compensators and addictives-

Fear-based intoxicated Irritable Mind, 

Deep sense of Powerlesness in all Gaming together

Lack of basic trust, the Insecurity of the Rivalring brotherhood, 

the Constant anxiety, so accelerating objects-purposes, pressures of Time and never There 

the overstimulated-inflated Imaging. 

The competitive struggle towards permanent Having-More-more-more, 

Truthfull Being not even into the skoops and priorities-to put into Value. 

The-Our-Child going into adolescence: 

The oncoming sexuality and the misunderstood jaleousy-

the jaleousy, because having not found Real and Unique Worth

there was so much Insecurity in Your Self-Worth and Self-Respect, 

having learned to Distrust Your Original Being, so Intuitive Knowing

the Queen, 

helps You to re-find IT

the Fidelity 

towards Your Original Child