Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Queen-2-

The Queen-2-:

The Tree of Life imprisoned-Judged-and rejected-the Queen-so needed, to memorize the Heart, loosing momentum, because of fear-domination. We have to learn to be Alert, which What Enters, because of this Age of the-Polluted, the Collective mind makes sometimes Stormy Weather:

The more Humans are Free from This, the More People re-member towards the Original Freedom, which was meant by and from Creation and In this Creation is: What Works is What Stays-seeing and understanding the Laws during Evolution. But don't be deluded by what seemingly works "better", there is much Illusionary "progress" which-actually-regress the Evolutional Movement

The More there are with the Liberated-One, the More re-member the Diviness and the Love it took, to Design All this

No Respect You Pay-for-IT, with a Deluded-very gray and dull-Perception, that of Fear

On the contrary In Respect and Thankfulness:You will be Shown: the Unpayable-Detailed -Beauty of Briljant Creation

the Detail-being equivalent-on the Intentional Purity of Perception, meaning:

daring to DIS-appear, to solve Ones'-self into the Reality of this Beauty, You are getting Born into Suchness-the core-Meaning

You are So in Love with this-Creation-, that you DIS-appear in IT, 

don't hold-back- LET GO 
You will experience Extasis, 
because You enter the Reality of Paradise

through the Respectful Attitude

From "above"-in arrogance-is it mostly Problems you will encounter and failing-to perceive-the Details: the Constatation of DIS-ease, when we look with the eyes of: 

'what again will not fit now, is there never an end to This?". The Eyes of complaint and objectivation

Our impatience is our Dis-Respect, because we don't perceive in the Now-Here the Original Sense-of the silenced mind. That is why people are even choosing for uglyness,
because-deep-down-they have forgotten to See-how to look at things: something, any-thing

or No-thing, the-scientifically proven Truth: the Void

But the Here-Now does not exist in the Chased-the Conditioned-the Imprisoned

there is always-some-w-here: else-mind 1-
there is always some-times: past-mind 2 -or future: then-mind 3-
or some-thing better (mind 4)

The Now is IT: when You go into Detail and sees Natures' Micro and Macro-Cosmic-Beauty, with the needed submitted and receptive attitude

the present for every Child-nowadays should be a Magnifying Glass 
They have to see IT Now-before it is too Late and 
then You will ever will Forgive-Your-self?

You forgot to give Him, Your Child

the Choice of

destruction or ELATION

When You really go-sometimes-into an abysmal racing-range of thoughts 
Visualize again the image of the Queen Flowering in the Sun 

that can brake your Fall

Like Love is a Parachute