She took me from inside out:
through the obligational: through the Shoulds and Oughts
from Ages of conditioning
I didn't Understand Her Moves
But She was telling Me to distance from outside Obligation, to go inwards
far away from the Fear-moved social: Alienation from the Real Self
to abandon that
She was Right-it was Love, which motivated Her
to see with the Eagle Eye
because Truth has to be installed Finally
She is not manipulabe-like Truth cannot be manipulated
But She turned the movement-again and again-: from excentric oriented Fear-losing the Self
towards the direction of re-Connection inwards with Your Origin
In every Women is the Queen represented
It is Her task to bring Her OUT-through the Heart, like it is Your Task, to submit and surrender to Her:
to enter the Trancendance of the Masters
becoming Pure Love
Through Purification
The Snake got Wings-
The kundalini Flowered into Union
The Two Helical Snakes-the Female-Male energies-melting on Moon-Level
is a Spiritual result of the both Sexes in Union:
Friendship restaured: the recognition of mutual Suffering for Ages
and the Recognition of Beauty Pure in Intention
Don't let the Terrestrial Things put You down, on Other Levels are Victories Coming
Because more and More You result to stay above the attacking Worlds
in the Clear Choice to do All Effort to leave attack behind
Great Liberations will Follow This
If You want to come OUT: start to Visualise Your Preferences in Life
and start to drop the counterproductive towards the direction of the Preferences
this is the Intention towards Be-coming: evolutional enlightenment, for All
Intention is the working towards what You really choose to BE
Knowing the Karmic Laws of Reflection Knowing Consequences by the millions.
Your Preferences
will be More Clear: Liberation being the : Enfolding of what You Truly want to BE
Which is always the most Near, the most Simple, the MOST Obvious-the overlapped-self becoming TRUE SELF
after leaving all the layers of Tensions: the let go of IT meaning: the Let GO of alienated conditional input: All what You had to be-BUT WERE NOT
All that layers represent that subtile tension field around You, inhibiting constantly YOU
It is the permanent subliminal electrical tenseness around Your Bodey, it is the Fear-capsula, which is the Mitote-the Collective-sub-conscious of the surrounding and-even far away-circulating Opinions
in conflict with Your Original Being
the Matrix saying: You are never good enough, this Matrix infused its'conditioning for ages: all based on powerless-power-structures. Every-One-having been made powerless, can choose for power-need-the re-action on the past-illusive: Ego
Now it is about the Liberation from those Cycles
Ab-solving Ego, by realizing the Illusive Quality of the Past