Health Force-4-:
Again here will be used the once used words "we didn't know the Whole process". Especially where "specialisms" don't communicate very well: So the WHOLE is not seen Yet and through 'friendship on contracts'-in establishment and comfort-this all is hided. Like dubious dronken friendships are still ruling the worlds' FATE, destroying Health and Force of Others and on the other hand gaining from It. By getting 'them' in addictions and enslavements, pushing 'them' through the bottom of their Pyramid, they used hierarchical concepts, breaking the Natural Laws: and especially the law of fundamental Equality and the laws of the Essential, the Universal Values:
Love, Harmony, Truth, Justice
Mentioning Illumination, but in Truth trespassing numerous Others, holding them in obscurity-as object-hiding and hindering the real Gates towards Liberation. Fixed Objectivators, transgressors blinded by Greed, putting Others consciously into imprisonments. So long there is association of medical care with the world of fixed objectivators: no Real Healing will and can take place in that context, because
without Love, there is no Therapy
without Harmony no As-surance to come out of dis-Ease
without Truth, there is no connection, so not the Healing liberation from Separateness
without Justice, there is no Equality and balanced Health possible
The objects of manipulation, will stay in fear: Fear being the enemy of Health, Trust the Friend of Sanity
This is why the Queen Is a Threat to those kinds of Male Ego, directing the pyramid, but having lost the view on the basic Values. Because SHE represents Love, Female Intuitive Wisdom repressed during Milleniums. Like the whitch with Herbs was inquisitioned by the hierarchical-directed 'religious Fire, like the Goddess, who disappeared from the patriarchical-dominated-Common Spaces and finally:
by the imprisonment of the Queen, the Greatest Healer of All.
She is the Great Help towards the manifestation and return of the Divine Feminine, while Humanity was blocked on Her road-back-to the Original Gardens and because She represents hundreds of functional and effective Healings, replacing the medicaments-on Her Own-without fatal and toxic accumulative properties: She-potentially being in every-ones' Garden-with the right instruction for Her use, replaces miljards of dollars every year or month. Because She is Teaching and demonstrating the causes of Dis-eases in their true context and last but not at all the least: The Worst of Her Quality for them:
the rising of Complete Awareness of the Whole, so also the real Source of Health, Love.
So this is the great Paradox-again: mentioning care, they still imprison Other-hood in Object-ivity, giving them the authority to tresspass, manipulate and abuse-in appearance of care-taking. Spreading around, distributing the 'elemental-forces', through xeno-molecular-symptom-hiders-against Creation, gaining from it, like the so many other efforts going against LIFE.
She is Showing All the conditioned layers of being-alienated from themselves. Our-Self and Our-True Nature, which is called Love-in the Mirror of which, the lies and illusions many societies were made from are Shown. When You instigate consciously Fear, to be able to dominate, control, or abuse, manipulating out of Greed-or even 'sacred' economy-you will be ashamed by Her Mirrors' Truth, when dying.
But in the end, It is every-bodies responsibility to affront this fear, so manipulation has no entry.
She demonstrating such an immense LOVE-being every-where-re-presented in Existence, Nature-Life, Creation
that All-once alienated from Her-have to turn-their-opinions-180 degrees, shocked by their proper forgetfullness
About which Life was about
The medical has to be first Healed itself, Healing proper paradigms and basic attitudes, hided by professionalism and scientific objectivity, they are now at the necessary point of Choice:
Com-Passion with Life or trespassing IT,
destroying its' Brilliance, by dis-Eased and-by objectivation veiled- perception:
Com-Passion with Life or trespassing IT,
destroying its' Brilliance, by dis-Eased and-by objectivation veiled- perception:
Perceiving Energy or Object, Going with Life or abusing IT
When the inventors of Pesticides, would have the courage to surrender to the Queen, they would view the Life-death-processes, they caused in the millions of Others-dying from cancers provoked by those xeno-molecules. They really would go through the Teachings. That is why the makers of death, with the money and the 'human laws' with them, took care to forbid the Mother of Life:
The Queen only by respecting Her, You will receive the Teachings
-not every-day
-not-mixing Her with any-thing in Her Full Pureness
-as a sacrament, to receive the Wisdoms
-learning to empty mind or the concentration on ositive thought
-visualizing the potential Liberative breakthrough
-practicing the Universal Values You will be helped the most
-visualizing the potential Liberative breakthrough
-practicing the Universal Values You will be helped the most
Love, Harmony, Truth and Justice,
Helping You to realize Your most inner and most Natural and Your most Healthy-Intentions, re-cognizing Love as the most significant Health-Force
Magnifying All There Is in Reality, She shows the Fixed-Objectivator No-Thing, but own-thing-ness-having treated others as Things, because-being dead and detached from Life, Dis-Respecting lT for LONG TIMES
He better asks Forgiveness and go into Humbleness
When he changes-his-intentions and re-chooses for the Universal Values, Pro Life
Love Harmony, Truth and Justice: the Law of Things
She will help him towards the Light and the rising of Consciousness, out of the very often so present Boredom:
the Lost Direction
The scientific establishment of all disciplines have to re-unite and re-consider on all things-done in the name of science-The following Questions:
Is-what we did and do-that what LOVE would do?
Is-what we did and do-in the Light of the Truth?-including objective manipulation, breaking the connection
Is-what we did and do-creating-and in service of-generalized Harmony?
Is-what we did and do-finally enhances Justice for All?
Is-what we did and do- in the Service of Creation: or just messing around with the Health and Force of the multitude, with opposite consequences