Sunday, September 19, 2010

Religious Fanatism-1-


All Religious  Fanatisms-1-:


At first it IS objectivation: bound in a world of Judgments, which is so horizontalizing

and pulling Us down from the Central Universal Ax of Union, separating and dis-secting the worlds of many

It is based on Morality, seeking for Power, trying to change Others, instead

of Your-Self, the only change-able


compensating old powerlesness of past experience, desperately imprisoned in fear and guilt and old iullusions of the Im-possible

as a result of ages-long mis-interpreted religion: a consequence of being not liberated internally

non-purified on the levels, from past-NON-self, having been enslaved-also between the genders-it tries to enslave Others in borrowed morality and conditioning-which-one-was contaminating them, towards alienation of the True Self, once imprisoning the Dragon, now projecting it.

When the Non-Self is so dominating, so great is the Fear of Life, so great is the Fear of Naturalness, and Nature: then spiritual Righteous-ness, wants to win and dominate over Others. Because they were enslaved in It-Being dominated, conditioned and controlled, they also want to dominate and condition others without using their Own Eyes, Own Awareness and Free Arbiter in between the genrations: to become that Same Freedom, 

to Be-Come Free and surrender to Peace

Not daring to face the Internal black side-understanding and guiding the Dragon towards Creativity-and using That Potential Creative Visualisation of 

a Harmonious World, with Love, Justice and Truth as a Guidance


they continiously want revenge, instead of the absolute necessity, to drop and forgive past and go for the liberation from imprisonment in the conditioned non-self: the liberation of the True Self, without the tresspassing of the integrity of Others, Fysically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually

in fear and guilt entrapped-projecting through their own inhibition-their Shadow-on Others, they rebel towards the whole, punishing in the here and now others, who never repressed them in the first place, so projecting past on the here and now, letting the Others suffer, like even Our Own children-being completely innocent-so continuing cycles for ages, 

while for those same ages the Wisdoms-Paths of Liberation were known.


So there is no Evolution, but frustating repetition of past misery, ongoing cycles of external repression and internal rebellion towards the external morality pressure, victim-victimizer-cycles and pain-cycing, while in the end realizing:


that  IT is about religious-ness: being a total Internal work on the True Self

Many didn't have a chance to be in a non-judgmental environment of unconditional Love, to stay Free or Free themselves from alienating conditioning and-while striving for Peace-they make war on behalf of the Sacred: screaming for Silence, Fighting for Peace, Killing out of Righteousness or Paranoia


the Paradoxe of paradoxes


Striving for the Misericorde, they still Kill, or-on the other hand-for their own Freedom and Comfort-they imprison Others, For their own Harmony, they DIS-harmonize Other peoples' Lifes, for their Own Loving Space-they hate Others, For their Own rights they do Injustice to Others:


this is the Ignorance and Seperateness of non-Compassion

Didn't You suffer enough through repression, so why continuing repressing Others?

Weren't You enough alienated from Your true Self-being Love-so why conditioning Others to become Non-Self

Intoxicated Firing minds hidden in the deserted night-times: frustrations exploding in non-healthy ways

Missing Your-self-realisation, of Your real Worth, don't act out on Others, tresspassing your frustration

by not doing Your Homework on Your-Self-You know that cycles-of violence-once started-will reflect on You

allready resulting in endless misery and Revenge through Ages: 

see the Misery you're creating for the Children of the Earth

You walking backwards in Past, 

becoming the rivalring Siblings, 

instead of the Mature Father-Mother

When You have Awareness STOP and See, 

because to come to ME you have to stop All pre-judism about Others 

so Every-One can go His Real Path-

Interiorly towards Inner Peace

Leave the Over-acting, Firing, hotly Projecting: 

Your Own inner non-accepted parts on Others

Leave them at Peace, 

removing Your Own violent mind and so your revengefull being 

from the collective consciousness

So every-one can feel at Ease again, 

towards the Peacefull resurrection from DIS-ease

Which is the religion-transcending Birth-Right for Every-One: 

Peace, Love, Truth, Harmony and final: Justice

Through Your Mastering of Your-self, 

Families can come together desparately, wanting to re-Unite for ages

Re-Unite with Your Whole Self, Internally doing Your Work of becoming Peace Your-Self

the No-Work-work, the Non-Action action, the Non-Movement move, Healing by Easing the Dis-ease             

becoming Whole, through Acceptance of All-the once differentiated and objectivated-parts in you

The All-non-differentiating Wisdom of the Old and Liberated Ones, there is No Object, any-more

neither internally nor externally, We are All-One, but only separate on the Sur-face of Illusions

and We all need the Same:




so Give IT


Firing on, abusing Your Own Human Kingdom, the Family of Mankind,  is like firing on Your-Self 

Destroying the Other Kingdoms and the Earth, is destroying Your Own Base, Your Own Essence, Your Own Roots, 

Your own Body 

Is a Plant polluting, de-naturalizing His Own Ground? 

and the Animal killing his ancestors and His Kins?


Is This Naturalness?