Friday, September 17, 2010

Vagabond Spirit loosing Eros-2-

Vagabond Spirit loosing Eros-2-

Reality-makers of the virtual Quality have to assume responsibility of what they are doing with the minds of our Kins-filling them with explosive prejudgments and wars and hero's for "good causes"-while this paradox only re-members them to War

Stop Screaming for Silence and the Fighting for Peace, also because the medium IS the message

Vagabond spirits creating defense-systems to aggres are just giving double binds to young generations just bringing them into confusion and crazyness, because out of this Defense for the "Free World "-freedom to manipulate others and fill them with toxic Virtuality-we found it necessary to use atomic bombs

The True language of the Vagabond Spirit is:

"for freedom I am ready to destroy Creation"


which is the final consequence of the accidental-occidental derouting and side-tracking from the Evolutionary Ax, the language of the powerless hollow power

Playing with Fire on the verge of Destruction of Life and Creation, are just examples of the extremest DIS-respect

of the Immense Subtility of Nature,

overseeing the War-fields of Human History, the Universal Values-Lov, Harmony, Truth and Justice-were-allways-neglected.

Industrialising every Corner of the World-objectivating Reality as their Commodity into a wrongly interpreted Happyness-like luxury and material comfort is-making the Glass-houses of the Death, the imprisoned ones in Liquor towns

Vagabonding is not over-seeing Consequences for the Whole-being split up into separateness-like not realizing, that:

-when everyone did, what I am doing, how does the world look like

-when anybody did, what I did, what was the world for a Place, now.

The Occidental Virtuality-having proven to be a cause of Great Misery and Destruction is putting Fire in the Mind of the Collective Mitote, surrounding Itself by Toxic Artifacts and destructive inventions, forgetting they could be the object, the victim of the Accumulations Themselves-

-accumulations causing the Fear-Based Mind,

-regressing in Time on the Evolutionary Scale: individually and collectively:

So the holders and the creators of this Reality, should take responsibility-like every-one THERE has to become AWARE of the LlFE-alienating quality of IT, because Occidental oriented Civilizations Now are vagabonding into abysmal proportions and have to stop this Wheel of destruction and the Forming of the Absurd: the Loka's of the Wheel of Life. Vagabonding is consequent objectivating the outside world into fragmentation and it is through the Ignorance of the Laws of Energy and Cohesion 

the Erotic binding Force of Existence:

-You experience objectivation, by radiating it,

-the Judgments You send out You receive,

-the Alienation You affirm, will be the Alienation You experience,

-the Separateness You install, You will receive

-the Only and consequent Ego-centric orientation wilI end up in the Lonely Dying into that Separateness: It is no Punishment it is the entropic law of non-commu­nication,non-sharing and non-commitment.

Not investing in Cohesion and Love,

You will receive the Vagabonding,

the entry into the desolate Spaces of Masks,

You loose Your Human Family and the humanness,

every-one is walking loneley roads out of the 

Potential Union, re-cognition and the Compassionate World,

 the Loka where You could have been liberated by each Other, through the mutual application of the Values on All the Kingdoms,

The other way around is the regression backwards to the earlier steps of evolution, backwards in the Animal Kingdom, the Plants Kingdoms and the mineral worlds ending in the mineral Worlds of non-Life.

The Human World has to be re-oriented on this Laws: not to have that Regressions, towards Death and Separateness, the Stone-like Indifference of the Material oriented World, every-one for himself, there is no Divine experience, no Godlyness, just Misery-Pain, Distance and Separateness, the final Consequences of Egoism. Wisdom is needed to be introduced Massively and has to be received with Respect. The Teachers of Humanity are coming to support You:

-re-evaluate your Paradigms

-the History of experiences and Consequences, 

-Your Priorities, Your Choices and Your Basic Preference for the Universal Values

Go inside towards the Satisfaction, the Contentment about the Glory of Creation relativate the Illusive Virtuality of that-only on Desires oriented- materialism, because in the Ego-centered accumulation of IT, it alienates You and will never Fullfil You. Reconsider the cause of addictive-ness and the dependency on outward conditions for Happyness

-Re-orient on the Nature and the Naturalness of Original Creation in You, around You

-Seeing the Diviness in the Self and the Other and all the Kingdoms created,

-the Teachings being of Great Help in This

Close the Virtual Eye and Open the Real Eye of Your Authentic Perception, which IS Sacred and IS Your Original Love for Creation-like the Child wondering IT-and 

Go for the Creative Ways to Serve that Creation and the Kingdoms, 

the adding to One 

by the Use of the Universal Values, 

realizing them All in ONE 

through the Help and serving of All of You:

and ask Help and Wisdom out of the Queens' Teachings-

She Being the Mirror of the Divine Truth

giving Step by Step the Re-assurance of Our Authentic SELF

Guiding the Original Loving and Loved Child in YOU, 

towards the New Paradigms and the Nova Era

in gracious, delicate flowing Instructions, 

She helps You to find Your Worth,


re-guiding Your Vagabond: Your separate Ego,

towards the Common Family of Man,


in Essence 

towards the Union of LOVE