Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Queen-14-

The Queen-14-

In the state of Open Awareness, looking at 
Her Flower


THE DIAMANT CRYSTAL-s-microscopally Magnified,

giving the Heightened Awareness and the Real Dimension of


im-measurable Greatness

The shocking Question of: 

Who Made This?

 If Once, You had this Illuminated Vision,You could live with Patience, with submission, desire-lessness and in Resignation: realizing this Miracle is largely sufficient, the Grace and thankfulness, to have been allowed to Witness, realizing in this great Happyness, the only thing to do is to be in service of Creation: Using the Wisdoms of the 


You realize the PAD of the 5 entries-the 5 wisdoms of the Ohm-Mani-Pad-Me-Hum-of the mandala: 

Pad is the Opening of Pristine cognition. You loosing and relaxing the pre-occupation with the self, are capable of totally opening the Heart to Creation, getting born out of the subject into Suchness. In the total acceptance of what IS, separateness is solved, which is Salvation and Solution, which is the meaning to be ab-solved. The triangle with the point down: You dis-appearing, become the Bride, the Divine can enter, represented in the Star of David and the Tibetan 

Mantra and Mandala

-the maps of consciousness, to come out of the Objects-worlds, the worlds of ugly things-coisas toas: To be able verticalize our exteriorized horizontalisation


the Endurable DIS-appearing into the Suchness of IT:

You saw The Divine Message

in All its Purity and Splendour


One of the Signs Given from Creation


In this Subtleness, this Delicacy,


and You Know:  what is "Off", in the old paradigms: survival minds trying to manipulate the other into object, creating the human artifact of the 

the Matrix

the Lying Artefacts,

Ugly Materialism,

The Falseness immediately Recognizable,

when Exposed

To be closed off from this Beauty,

means You don't see Life Yet

in Her Miraculous Grace,

Like the Mother Sees Her Child

Not having been able to See, we are the walking blind

You cannot say You have been a Member of Creation

because by some Circumstances

You missed All the Truth:

not seeing IT, or having forgotten IT,

It comes through Blocked, over-occupied and Accumulated mind

never been Purified,

never been Forgiven, through the asking of IT

we are Loaded with Past             

And Once in a Time that needs some fresh Wind

The Queen giving us Comfort