The Queen-13-:
If you don't give Justice to yourSelf, You will never learn to Give IT to Others
and strive for Equalness in Uniquenes for All of the Family
becoming Humble and Equalness with All of Them
It is neither below-neither above that we Meet: in the Middle of the directions we encounter
In the Crossing from Left to Right, East and West, North and South, High and Low
in the exchange of Male and Female we meet, Night and Day
the Negative and the Positive
But All is also: neither this nor that
We never meet in Separateness, which is stagnation ....
keeping the Polarities in Narrowness out of fear-rigidly-in place
embracing More and more is the Direction towards the Unmoved
which is the Way to Acceptance
which is the Way towards the Transcendant,
the utmost Witnessing Peace represented as the Heavens*)
Having met then, All of Them in You
In the Knowing that we are All so-One, but still denying IT
We realize Direction
The Justice is also the Moment of
Re-Own-ing Your Self
re-be-coming at Ease with Your-Self-having passed the-inner-outer-Judgments
in the be-come-ing of More and More Freedom
we realize again Direction, individually and collectively, taking our Wings back
sometimes regressing into the past Illusive worlds
of the Non-Pure: the DIS-eased Rush and Obligation
Fear is: letting the enemies dominate Your Master
When the Flowering is ready
the Fruit should be taken and shared
for the receiver:
The Fruit needs to be absorbed
as an Act of Surrender
to Love-given from Existence, Life, Nature
Creation given as a Proof of Ultimate Love
and total Surrender in completed Confidence
is an act of Ultimate Love in reflection
the "taking" of the Gardener: is the Receiving-and not the Objectivation-of the Fruit
It is the Humble receiving of the Miracle in His Hand
To continue Life and the Remembrance of the Pure State of You
Your Original Health of All Levels completely re-member-ed
re-Be-Come-ing a Member of You
After Years of Alienation from Your -Self having been every-One, except Your-Self
The Time of the Descendance to the Heart is approaching-for All-
The Fear-being realized-:
-coming from-objectivational-forces of the old paradigm
were dimming the Radiance of All Kingdoms-being the defense against Intruding
but Beauty could-not enter either
So in the Perception-in Fear-is the degradation-reduction of Beauty: veiling IT into dullness.and grayness, distance and DIS-connection
Fear is the closing in of Pure Heartfull Perception, leading to cocooning
In the Northern Western continents is it called the "normal" state, but it is the DIS-ease-d-state as collective norm
Being distantiated is even a wanted Personality Trait, Being Cool is very widely appreciated
But It is the Image, the appearance--of-the Fearful State:
closed Perception-
no Love can enter or come out
It is the Contraction-the freezing out of Life,
You imprisoned in the Fear-capsula, the body rigid
which is Death becoming Real
It is this Death-state
being generally accepted in so called "advanced civilisations"
So to pull them out of the Death towards Spiritual Rebirth
is the Healing Wave in the New Paradigm, the total Intention towards
Harmony, Love, Justice and Truth,
You having a Life with many Ups and many downs
Re-member the Peak-experiences, the Glimpses of Truth
Re-visualise the Lotus, the Flor das Aquas
The Diamond Crystalls in the Queens Flower
The Utmost Peak-perception is to watch and Witness
the Paradise of the Rainha in Her Flowering DIGNITY
It is a crime against Humanity to interdict this Access and the-even needed-potential Pristine Cognition, because
is possible and cannot be inhibited