Monday, July 26, 2010

The Queen-7-

the Queen-7-:

But seeing so Many Suffering from a de-Humanized structure: Manipulative Power Games, Ruthless Rivalries and Carreering-endless victimizing in hierarchic organisations

Hearing the constant affluence of Bad News 

when the mind is Fearful it goes astray with this

People talking about each Other-even in the Media's and Public Big Eyes-I saw sub-grouping in working-departments, bad-rapping drowned in Judgmentsunhealthy tensions in the outwardly 'civilized'

this Fear-container-the Arena-to be thrown in-for the rest of Your lives?

with no stops-for Reflection, Prayer, Meditation, endless absorbing-accumulating and almost never Purifying of the -Levels.

Agression being stimulated, Desires provoked, Frustrations-elsewhere-repressed 

But-the individual-Creative Sources of authentic Worth Overseen, neglected, 

or repressed by Jealousies of those-not realizing their True Value?

The Child is in the Abyss Now in Your so called Civilized World of late Modernity, the World of the Gentles             

Where Care is heavily paid for and not-completely-integer anymore, where the Helping is perverted into the Dominance of the poorly recognized Pseudo-altruist Hypocrisy, every-where? pumped up and polished Ego: worlds of appearances not really serving the Values: the only garantees of Life and Creation: 

Love, Harmony, Truth and Justice

Fromout Eternity, seeing deeply into the "working-departments, the ateliers, the factories and hospitals, political and "religious" institutions, asylums

So much humiliating and victimizing going on

So much divide and conquer of the Power games

So much betrayal of loyalty, rivalry and ruthless concurrence

So much overpowering materialism and showing off of Images and appearance

So much-religious righteousness, and hypocrisy

as if it is not Visible for any-One on Your face, how you gained your W$ealth 

it gives the lines of Cruelty on IT

nobody can hide when he is crippled inside

pump up the volume

make money with the Sacred

Even the Queen is sold, cultivated in the Artificial

the side-track of Evolution is becoming Obvious, this will never be the Garden

Only when the Heart comes back into IT, power-gaming ended

Uniformity back into Unicity

The Female Caring, the Calmness, unless the Intuitive Wisdom comes Back

She is of the Queens' Grace, but an outlaw

The Male Ego is played out, the young guys dirty tricks, as boring as the endless Game-playing, more and more veninous in Quality, transferring Male-Barbie-business,

the Arena's and Public Eyes, distracting the masses from the real Stuff, while some of them are arranging a lot of the Unacceptable concerning the life of Others

most distracted in the Futuristic-virtual-Alienation, still being amused outwardly, but profoundly in the Pain of Separateness. Guided by an intelligent? establishment imbibed in liquor, ton solve their restrictive and compulsive left-side over-rational brains, because:

they got for "Education" in Universities-accumulations of bad mental Health and the Heart ripped out in the name of objectivity accumulating their minds with borrowed knowledge, having comments on every-thing, without having passed any proper profound expereince, while even avoiding it. This de-humanized Objective Absurdism, tries politically to dominate our minds. Totally abstracted Out of Earth, floating minds endlessly talkative, paying each other great contribution, protecting each others salaries, to hel to block necessary change: Forests dying by paper-swallowing think-factories of non-authentic experience, umbilical mini-drama's 

in a complete Vally of Tears, there were the Real Sorrow reigns, neglected

So the Death school of Borrowed knowledge versus the Life -school of the First Boms

So many suicides in student homeless-homes, over-intellectual Arrogance: degrading Compassion with the Whole, completely loosing track with the Essence and priority, I saw anthropologues exhaustively commenting-talking on paper on the Observed Ritual, never going or having gone through the motions, having the courage to blow thezir deeply engraved minds allways circulating around their not even authentic "Known": 

the anthropologue, the psychologue, the sociologue, the economist-allways bigger what?, the dis-connected-science, out of their detechmental comfortable defense, making mony with cancerogens every-where

the specialisms, getting out of Touch, forgetting the Whole, detached from their Victims

not capable of objectivating its own "objectivity"

and its miserable outcomes