The post-modern concept of Reality-like it is globalizing-represents for many a Contraction, an-irrational-feeling of Imprisonment-of Own Authenticity. Many feel: they have to flight or fly-out from It: from this Reality, we dream together-like in the indigenous vision we dream a nightmarish-Dream, creating an anti-life reality.
Again some are trying flight from it, some are trying to fight it, or detach from it by separateness. But also because of Past Pains-they are flighting in their Addictions or Virtual worlds. Virtual worlds to review often past trauma's-like the many apocalypses and wars-or to exercise a virtual victory over the allways-self-projected enemies?
But don't You See: it are the same Reality-makers that sell all those apocalypses and wars, like they sell also, the Illusions and the Addictives that absorb many in en-slavements. Hidden practice to push each other out of their-Rivalring-Spaces?.
The Fears-re-stimulated-often-by the addictive artifacts promoted-are pushing and holding Us, into those illusive realities-passing by:
The Common Space of Humanities Family
The Reality-makers are often in their subjectivating expansion, but misinterpreted freedom and abused it to trespass Others on the different levels. So some expand,earn and expend: but most contract in more and more sobriety and mostly poverty, or kept in obligatory consumption or gliding in precatory dependance.
But many of their creations proved now to be-self-destructive-and through that activating Fear-oriented mind. Creating numerous Desires, we got the consumeristic Tunnel Vision. After their proper loss of confidence in a common Reality-fromout their proper Separateness-splendid isolation-they are dominating the Reality of Others seducing them into the same ideology of the Golden Cage:
with All This Too Much-and so the paradox: the Lack of It.
Even-sub-consciously, there is a constant recent history, that many people were trapped in Real worlds of Agony and Fear: many times again created by power-needing Victimizers: like Creation being victimized Now in the gross and-even subtly-trespassed by the many un-conscious-powering-Trespassers-once Victimized also: This is a Cyclic pandemia, with Creation in the end being trespassed as last step in the Hierarchy
One half of Humanity is-secretly-desiring-dreaming-flying out of this unbearable saturated reality of endless amounts of objects, more and more becoming a overwhelming threat for many, but at the same time this can become the Re-BIRTH-ing force for a Global Liberation:
The Simplification from the too Much and Many to One-ness,
The Transcendance from hatefull conflictual worlds into Lovely-ness
Trying not to go THERE-smoke dwelling-in the mind-of unbearable pasts, suffering many lifes of Slavery: and of Self and of Others, because we are One, including in depression and that is when:
The One who calls for LOVE is considered a stranger. He should not betray Us in our-nervous-Productivity and Consumer-Games, He should not disturb these negociations of Death: Many Names and Objects of Your enterprises. The Laws of our Economocentric Dreaming have to be subdued to the Universal Laws and-Values
When every-one becomes an expansive tumor, you can get many nightmare-like scenario's
Because: There is Not Such Thing as an Object in Life and in Nature-that is to say: not without re-actions or consequences. We are All-One and we have to go Beyond This Type of Life, it is the Moment: The freedom from Slavery-of the compulsive mind-trains of thoughts re-stimulated by the Fear-waves. Agressive re-actions caused by In-Justice, blocked interiorly by the conditioned social mask and projected towards the outside creates fear, but also intoxication: giving this tense-ness in the body of en-capsulated Original Self.
Are there People who are interested in Our Fears? There are people who are willing You to liberate You from Your Fears,
but-conditioned by Fear-it hinders You to See IT and the one to let go of IT is YOU
Why were they accepting and even stimulating: the Fear-stimulants-like most xenomolecules are-for every-one, while forbidden was: the Greatest Teacher-Medecin-of Mankind, while destroying Its' Growing Ground even Her Existence
the Queens' Majesty
Capable of Helping to Master-internal-Realization
She re-presents a threat for the makers of this Reality,
because perhaps something could be De-masked and
could cause Us to Liberate Us from the too Much,
because Essence was Seen and Simplicity re-evaluated
An immense Dis-Ease of permanent stress-chased slavery
in a dazzling Tempo Multitudes of Minds exploding:
too many Objects of a Reality, too far the abstractions from Mother Earth
they Just Now do not-yet-realize
We are all now in a kind of-sub-conscious Hate, by the Irritations of the Too Much and of never having Been 0.K or enough, every-thing and constant More. Except the reality-makers who think they are O.K. But was it so O.K. in quality?
surely-in quantity it is Overwhelming ALL.
pumping Cars in countries, where nobody finally wants to travel-in-to-this dis-Harmony. Continuing this Filling means: You are Yourself and Others drowning in-Your-so often even Heavy-Toxic-Objects. Mostly hidden, because only Truth can Be transparant. So many lies, illusions and appearances to cover This.
To be imprisoned in It-or by It, is or will create constant Fear-overwhelming our Health, when You lost the capacity of Your Own Source. The Imprisoned-not knowing how to create anymore-is seduced into permanent dis-traction, from His Essence, because his Essence was from early on denied!
So there is abundant creation of the expanders: without the so needed re-membrance of the Original Code and the Original Meaning of Man. This alienation from Real Self imposed by the insatiable Greed absorbing Human Common Space, trespassing through IT, overwhelming Otherhood, originating Paincycles, pandemias of Obesity:
The Victimizers and Their Victims in endless Repetition
this is why there is much re-active violence, despereate efforts to retrace the Path, having to repass the Dragon all the Times till the lessons are learned how to deal with it. The filling and overfilled Mitote, accelerating expansions, sensed by All
This is the Time for Respecting Void, Original Creation, where the Queen-the Master is guiding You , towards the Real Self
But Also-the Mis-information is always there, when a part of the Truth is manipulated by-and-in the mind of the Dreamers. the Cloudy,Complicated Networks can function as a defense against the desperate re-actions of many victims. Over-complicated jurisdictions to cover many In-Justices
Overcoming, that "Cloudy too Much", You have the Right to abandon that and to Go there, where You can realize Yourself, You have the Right to Your Original Truth and to create from It and towards IT , because it was Masked and imprisoned-in chaotic-net-working, without Direction?
It is every-Ones personal task to overcome the Fears? Yes, because It Helps You. the Purifying-has to be done by every-one them-selves
to be able to enter This Calmness of the Final Peace
It is Your Birth Right to have Peace, and a-Human Right, a Right and a need of Creation and of Life, this is why we have to stay with the Universal Values above All. Like You can only to come to the Harmony, when every-one can realize his deepest Aspiration, fromout His-Her-Nucleus. Your Original-Inner-Self, which has to be treated like Creation
because Delicate ALSO: Like YOU
Again, look deep into the addictions,
Your Slavery is that You pay Yourself Your Own Destruction, Your Own inner War, Your Own con-tractions into obscurity. You pay this to the Victimizer. Your imprisonments are Your Fears, through just known biochemical consequences of inner molecular movements. You pay to the Ones who are creating Your reality, to dy in it as an object of it, without having been remembered to Your Original Self. Unless You liberate Your self out of those fear and conflictual worlds: there are just-destructive-dreamed realities, but not necessarily Yours.
When You actualize Your Creative Source fromout Your Original Nature, You will be able to come Out of All Fears, also fears out of old pains, also fears out of toxic input. So again the Fear of loosing Real Self in a more alienating World
So the need to re-Create Original Natural Reality, out of alienating-spheres of Xenos: Molecules, Unnatural Additives, the noumerous Artifactions and Creation threatening causal Factors
All the elements of Alienation, from the Origin