Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Queen-8-

the Queen-8-:

Scientific Veiling of the Voyeurist-the objective-without the courage to Look IN and going Through IT: being outside of IT, it is easy to kill and manipulate "reality" from above.

with proud arrogant ego's they present their mental Flush on it: 

having seen the outside Phenomenon of an immense interior Force,  which the Sages called the  Noumenos 

with the Dimensions of the Universe, they speak as if they Knowwithout surrender or submission or adoration of What IS


So many speak so fatly and comfortably earning their easy assets, like they experienced It themselves and even more are bored with the "consultants of borrowed Knowledge" they fall asleep againdried out-death-like commentaries of the arrogant mind-little boys' Mother and Women Know This

So much Wisdom through experience DIS-appearing in the Graves of the thrown Away Ancestors and Real Elders-imprisoned in their need for Care without dignity, dying in Anonimity, while the boys are out there co-creating False realities, intoxicating the ignorant Masses, filling Natural Habitats, with deleterious pollutions, fatal disruptions of milliards of natural metabolic athways, disturbing the Noumenos and the Verb-including their Own-and then acting surprised about many Dis-Eases, complaining about health-care costs

So much lonelyness in the-Nuclear-Family-"civilisation", We be-came great targets-objects of-and for Consumerisms Tunnel Vision and the manipulation of the reality -Makers: all for that Golden Animal. Do We need again Our Mozes? Barbarian Heartlesness, I have seen in the thousands of Nights, the Night-shifts of the Clinics, the Intensive cares showing all intimate Sufferings in a Collective, whith so much loss of the basic Values of Creation: 

Love Harmony Truth and Justice

is it still only money laying on their Altars?, creating the worlds of ugly things: coisas toas

Blind Spots are Immense

The Awareness of Truth needing to Rain down on Us

The Queen has to be liberated, from those DIS-honouring ways

The ways S-h-e got treated: 

the Ways She is being handled is 

of Great Shame for Humanity

North-West-South and East-post-modernity 

so badly needing the Awareness of Her Teachings

The Unawareness caused by blocking Her Teachings is the Main Cause of the great Suffering

The valley of tears and the tally of fears unnecessarily continued. 

Including My stubborn Fear, My endless Prejudgments about Her. My Fear to see the Whole Truth, My Fear-of the Self inflicted Magnified Illusions-through the Mixing of Artifacts with Her. The joint-dis-adventure, caused a long side-way-for millions-to re-Admit: 

Her Immense Value for the World 

Like She is the Voice of the Creator Herself

I still have to dare to believe This. Because being educated in-doubtful-objectivation-while using non-scientific evidence, We-i-got-ignorantly-conditioned to condamn Her, without having the Courage to find-out Ourselves. The Courage to jump into the Un-known, while only living the Known is the cocooning repetition of the security of past, equalizing death. As Our many Sages told Us 

The-my-Confession to be made is the Example, how Pre-Judgment goes: 

-I was conditioned to be Prejudged, causing great postponement of My Rebirth 

-still fighting those-conditioned pre-judgments and fears about Her 

-Just learning from second hand knowledge, this 

-implicated the postponement of My-Your-realization 

-Not realizing, that through experience: 

-I would have known Her Value

and the only Universal Values

-needed to pro-claim

Love Harmony Truth and Justice, 

the only anti-dotes for the Golden Bull 

-learning directly from Life and Creation, instead of abstracted and borrowed knowledge

-I followed others in their so called Vested Authority, while S-H-E re-presented the Natural One-giving-Her-the Bad-Name, while Sacred and 

the-Greatest Teachers of Mankind-in the Eyes of the-Ones who Know

because Humble and Silent enough to receive Her Voice. When You are able to reduce your-self to zero, the One can enter: to-gether 10

but the Master is still there