the Queen-9-
They put Her into the Categorie of a-great-Bad Name, because in Tunnel-Visioned-Society the Seener is unwanted
But See the Babylonic Proportions of the De-humanisation, because of just a circulating pre-Judgment
Some-body, who wants to control-the World-naturally-has a Fear of loosing It, so we have to affirm the emperors' clothes again and again. Affirming Illusions, we dream a night-marish dream and just have to change IT-that Nightmare
While loosing the need to control and
Some-body, who wants to control-the World-naturally-has a Fear of loosing It, so we have to affirm the emperors' clothes again and again. Affirming Illusions, we dream a night-marish dream and just have to change IT-that Nightmare
While loosing the need to control and
gliding into Restfull Calmness
Where Trustfull Love wants to Be-
There are no control and Power-games
To be able to let go of Control, means there is Submission and Surrendering needed-allowed towards a far Greater Force and a greater Wisdom, then You ever predicted or imagined. But it is Your inner-built-in-Divine Wisdom-opened by the Queen-which counts and mostly It is nearer and nearer-approaching-towards the Truth. Coming from inside out and not the opposite.
To be able to let go of Control, means there is Submission and Surrendering needed-allowed towards a far Greater Force and a greater Wisdom, then You ever predicted or imagined. But it is Your inner-built-in-Divine Wisdom-opened by the Queen-which counts and mostly It is nearer and nearer-approaching-towards the Truth. Coming from inside out and not the opposite.
After You left your occupation with appearance You are Re-Be-Coming towards Your Truth
The Conditioned image-where you lived from-does not count then any-more
The Conditioned image-where you lived from-does not count then any-more
This is been dictated by Fear-being the counterpart of Love
Admitting Powerlesness is Scaring, Surrendering to a 'Greater Force' then you-even from inside-is thrilling you. Listening to the Subtle-while always habituated to hear your-borrowed-self-our loud and chattering mind. Like the need for a power-based Ego as the Re-action on Past-powerlesness-is Illusional need itself, based on the not Now, You're working with your Images based on traumatic events in the Past, lack of Loving Attention-then-needing a lot of applause in Now,
Admitting Powerlesness is Scaring, Surrendering to a 'Greater Force' then you-even from inside-is thrilling you. Listening to the Subtle-while always habituated to hear your-borrowed-self-our loud and chattering mind. Like the need for a power-based Ego as the Re-action on Past-powerlesness-is Illusional need itself, based on the not Now, You're working with your Images based on traumatic events in the Past, lack of Loving Attention-then-needing a lot of applause in Now,
this is, what the Ego does in many.
Sacred Plants having the power to show the Whole Truth in Once
Sacred Plants having the power to show the Whole Truth in Once
Are not a wanted commodity in a Controlled and in the end controlling society
With illusive Democracy and Freedom, the Illusion of which all will be exposed
Because in a "democracy"-mainly possessed by the Golden Bull, where no Real-other-Perspectives-like the Liberation for All-is wished, will not ever See Itself as it really Is, when the Conditioning has been to widely spread:
This is the unilateral One-directed-ness: the Thinking of vested-unnatural-Authority-needing power-playing and manipulation and trespassing of Others, to realize its objectives. In hierarchies not any Good will de-velop, because its' en-velopping quality, tress-passing the limits of integrity of so Delicate and Precious Life:
Because in a "democracy"-mainly possessed by the Golden Bull, where no Real-other-Perspectives-like the Liberation for All-is wished, will not ever See Itself as it really Is, when the Conditioning has been to widely spread:
This is the unilateral One-directed-ness: the Thinking of vested-unnatural-Authority-needing power-playing and manipulation and trespassing of Others, to realize its objectives. In hierarchies not any Good will de-velop, because its' en-velopping quality, tress-passing the limits of integrity of so Delicate and Precious Life:
because we are All Equal, but Unique in Our Messenger-ship: the Colours of the Rainbow-Unifying into One, will illuminate the Universe in White Light
The Natural One Authority, being Open-minded and LOVE-ing, spiralling with the Energy of the Authentic Child-in YOU, is the convincing, comforting Authority of
The Queen
being networked, crushed, denied and humiliated
between those judgmental forces of
Fear-of dying of the ego-and the Fear of the un-Known:
Bad Naming Her: to control Her immesurable Power,
to liberate Humanity, towards ONE-Consciousness, and Integrity
by the abandoned Univeral Values
Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice
Many feel themselves imprisoned by the artificial-still conditioned-counter-forces of seriousness-severity-fear-guilt of an age-old-suffocating-moralism, often imposed by the victimizers' split them-selves and on the other hand an Over-Indulgent Consumptive Materialism-silencing the Dragon-
Many feel themselves imprisoned by the artificial-still conditioned-counter-forces of seriousness-severity-fear-guilt of an age-old-suffocating-moralism, often imposed by the victimizers' split them-selves and on the other hand an Over-Indulgent Consumptive Materialism-silencing the Dragon-
But in refinding the Balance between those Dualities lies the potential-Self-Realization-:
walking the Middle Path,
surfing just beyond mind,
re-co-creation forwards and back-towards Original-Creation and
the Original Divine You,
All guided by the Teachings of
The Queen
About Her: the Bad Name came, because of the overindulging without Measure and the Mixing-un-authorized-of the Sacred with the Banal. Some ignorance around the joint-adventure, exhausting many underground Scenes of the Young Ones
Those bad names abused, by the Pharmaceutical Networking around Her and-against Her. Against Her-because of the Financial Cause, the rivalring Greed, the Irrational Fear by-cobnditioned-prejudism,
About Her: the Bad Name came, because of the overindulging without Measure and the Mixing-un-authorized-of the Sacred with the Banal. Some ignorance around the joint-adventure, exhausting many underground Scenes of the Young Ones
Those bad names abused, by the Pharmaceutical Networking around Her and-against Her. Against Her-because of the Financial Cause, the rivalring Greed, the Irrational Fear by-cobnditioned-prejudism,
the Fear of the Unknown
stagnating post-modern-"Culture"-s' Evolutional Awareness and en-Light-enment as a Whole, by degrading
stagnating post-modern-"Culture"-s' Evolutional Awareness and en-Light-enment as a Whole, by degrading
The Queen and the profound Wisdoms of the Master-s-
When the Knowing and the Experiences-by going through It-are not Respected
Whole Generations will go on to be Victimized: fixed on the "Realistic" by Fear
Because many See, but Miss the Courage, and walk on seeing, but blinded
which is an oblivious Signal for the subtle Power-behind the scene-to go on manipularing the Mazes of a Social Network, abusing and trespassing Our Humans and Humanity like objects: even Creation imprisoned and enslaved, by the artificial, the non-natural-ex-tinctive counter-forces of Life?
Because many See, but Miss the Courage, and walk on seeing, but blinded
which is an oblivious Signal for the subtle Power-behind the scene-to go on manipularing the Mazes of a Social Network, abusing and trespassing Our Humans and Humanity like objects: even Creation imprisoned and enslaved, by the artificial, the non-natural-ex-tinctive counter-forces of Life?
The Queen is re-turning the Dharma-Wheel towards the Life-force
The Queen shows the Force of the Noumenos-behind the phenomenons
Helping Us to follow that helixing Kundalini-and the DNA
of Our Life Force
towards the Dawn-Pearled Lotus
and back to the Earth: re-creating the Paradises of the Universal Gardener
On Your One square Meter, You can re-start with Humus
re-Nourishing the Tree of Life
the Queen
again carrying-after re-Evaluation of the Natural-
the Golden-Shit of the Sacred Cow
re-Nourishing her Roots
S-H-e will be Re-nourishing Yours
and Your De-velop-ment out of the imposed En-velops