Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Queen-9-

the Queen-9-
They put Her into the Categorie of a-great-Bad Name, because in Tunnel-Visioned-Society the Seener is unwanted
But See the Babylonic Proportions of the De-humanisation, because of just a circulating pre-Judgment

Some-body, who wants to control-the World-naturally-has a Fear of loosing It, so we have to affirm the emperors' clothes again and again. Affirming Illusions, we dream a night-marish dream and just have to change IT-that Nightmare

While loosing the need to control and
gliding into Restfull Calmness
Where Trustfull Love wants to Be-
There are no control and Power-games

To be able to let go of Control, means there is Submission and Surrendering needed-allowed towards a far Greater Force and a greater Wisdom, then You ever predicted or imagined. But it is Your inner-built-in-Divine Wisdom-opened by the Queen-which counts and mostly It is nearer and nearer-approaching-
towards the Truth. Coming from inside out and not the opposite. 

After You left your occupation with appearance You are Re-Be-Coming towards Your Truth

The Conditioned image-where you lived from-does not count then any-more
This is been dictated by Fear-being the counterpart of Love

Admitting Powerlesness is Scaring, Surrendering to a 'Greater Force' then you-even from inside-is thrilling you. Listening to the Subtle-while always habituated to hear your-borrowed-self-our loud and chattering mind. Like the need for a power-based Ego as the Re-action on Past-powerlesness-is Illusional need itself, based on the
not Now, You're working with your Images based on traumatic events in the Past, lack of Loving Attention-then-needing a lot of applause in Now, 

this is, what the Ego does in many.

Sacred Plants having the power to show the Whole Truth in Once
Are not a wanted commodity in a Controlled and in the end controlling society
With illusive Democracy and Freedom, the Illusion of which all will be exposed

Because in a "democracy"-mainly possessed by the Golden Bull, where no Real-other-Perspectives-like the Liberation for All-is wished, will not ever See Itself as it really Is, when the Conditioning has been to widely spread:

This is the unilateral One-directed-ness: the Thinking of vested-unnatural-Authority-needing power-playing and manipulation and trespassing of Others, to realize its objectives. In hierarchies not any Good will de-velop, because its' en-velopping quality, tress-passing the limits of integrity of so Delicate and Precious Life:


because we are All Equal, but Unique in Our Messenger-ship: the Colours of the Rainbow-Unifying into One, will illuminate the Universe in White Light

The Natural One Authority, being Open-minded and LOVE-ing, spiralling with the Energy of the Authentic Child-in YOU, is the convincing, comforting Authority of

The Queen

being networked, crushed, denied and humiliated
between those judgmental forces of
Fear-of dying of the ego-and the Fear of the un-Known:
Bad Naming Her: to control Her immesurable Power,
to liberate Humanity, towards ONE-Consciousness, and Integrity
by the abandoned Univeral Values
Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice

Many feel themselves imprisoned by the artificial-still conditioned-counter-forces of seriousness-severity-fear-guilt of an age-old-suffocating-moralism, often imposed by the victimizers' split them-selves and on the other hand an Over-Indulgent Consumptive Materialism-silencing the Dragon-

But in refinding the Balance between those Dualities lies the potential-Self-Realization-:
walking the Middle Path, 
surfing just beyond mind, 
re-co-creation forwards and back-towards Original-Creation and 
the Original Divine You,
All guided by the Teachings of
The Queen 

About Her: the Bad Name came, because of the overindulging without Measure and the Mixing-un-authorized-of the Sacred with the Banal. Some ignorance around the joint-adventure, exhausting many underground Scenes of the Young Ones

Those bad names abused, by the Pharmaceutical Networking around Her and-against Her. Against Her-because of the Financial Cause, the rivalring Greed, the Irrational Fear by-cobnditioned-prejudism, 

the Fear of the Unknown

stagnating post-modern-"Culture"-s' Evolutional Awareness and en-Light-enment as a Whole, by degrading


The Queen and the profound Wisdoms of the Master-s-

When the Knowing and the Experiences-by going through It-are not Respected
Whole Generations will go on to be Victimized: fixed on the "Realistic" by Fear

Because many See, but Miss the Courage, and walk on seeing, but blinded

which is an oblivious Signal for the subtle Power-behind the scene-to go on manipularing the Mazes of a Social Network, abusing and trespassing Our Humans and Humanity like objects: even 
Creation imprisoned and enslaved, by the artificial, the non-natural-ex-tinctive counter-forces of Life?

The Queen is re-turning the Dharma-Wheel towards the Life-force
The Queen shows the Force of the Noumenos-behind the phenomenons


Helping Us to follow that helixing Kundalini-and the DNA
of Our Life Force
towards the Dawn-Pearled Lotus
and back to the Earth: re-creating the Paradises of the Universal Gardener

On Your One square Meter, You can re-start with Humus
re-Nourishing the Tree of Life

the Queen
again carrying-after re-Evaluation of the Natural-
the Golden-Shit of the Sacred Cow

re-Nourishing her Roots 

S-H-e will be Re-nourishing Yours

and Your De-velop-ment out of the imposed En-velops