The Queen-10-:
There is still Fear of Falling-Out.
Fear for admitting to be besides the Truth
Fear to be abandoned in the process
to re-be-come Your True-self
Fear for Crazyness, while-in that process-the opposite Is True
The Crazyness comes from the Allowance to let in-All that is against Life-the xeno-molecular compounds, the intoxications and artifacts, but also being trapped in the victim-victimizer cycles
The Crazyness coming from outwards leading to inward-Pollution of the Natural-tissues, becoming endemic-should be the Alarm Signal Here.
Toxifying our Live-r is paralyzing our detox-capacities, so promoting our Fears
The Toxic Consequences on perception and brain Functions is Known, but so slowly and epidemicly Progressive, that it is only noticed by the more pure
and the Ones, who know the other Perspectives-of Ex-stasis and the ways out of the en-slavement,
the Keys towards Liberation are Now-Here
There are more and more, who live in sobriety, resignation and repetitive Introspection and in Surrender and adoration of Creation:
the Verdoyants
looking into the accelerating Marachimbes, consequences of the firing-minds
The Queens' Mirror is Crystal Clear and free of Identification So non-Corruptable and impossible to Manipulate:
Beauty of the Truth
Re-membering Health, the Whole the Original Purity of Your Divine Child
You have to take Measures after the Abysmal Signs You got to do Your Home-work pro Creation, so the Earth-body-can restore it-self
Value Free Money , Gambled on the Bourses, Economocentric expansion, operating like a Tumor as a sacred law
nobodey knows the Names-anymore-behind the Bulldozing Forces against Life, Love, Laughter, the Natural, Naturalness, Simplicity and Humbleness and
Creation as a Whole is holy
being the Motors of the Going Bazurk
Creating Suffering all around them, victimizing, specially hurting the Vulnerable South where those Heats of Modernity burns Quicker in the Deserts and that is why their rebellion is the most furious
in their instigation of Suffering
miljons of Illusions I saw passing by
the Collective Consciousness
I witnessed the Abyss and the Helpless in IT «
the Abyss of many minds going Astray
wishing this experience to No-body,
but Knowing the Coming of It
nearer and nearer
Some-One, better we All has-ve to stop THIS DIS-Ease
Mostly You dont return from This-
but having returned
I have to Humbly warn You for This,
wishing it for No-One When
You have been Fallen from the World
In the Coming Back You will experience Great Happyness Great Gathering with the Ones who earlier Understood the Need to Purify
on behalf of Liberation
Understanding earlier then Us,
They found out How mind really Functions and
that after Purification,
the Devotion versus the Universal Values is needed
for Every-One and by Every-One:
inwardly and outwardly
Liberation is a Matter of Choice and
through the Respect of the Natural Law
and the Preliminaries Common: meant for Every-One
the opposite Direction of a Karmic Law, concerning entropy
Love, Harmony, Justice and Truth, the motoring Energies
Re-birth and the Kingdom of Love-which is what Heaven is on Earth
becomes a Reality
when the Clearing of the Past on all the Levels Starts
the Forgiving-of Self and Others-, the Freeing of the Guilt
and the Overcoming of Fear,
Strengthening Yourself in Right Direction:
with the Values towards Union of All
the Vertical Ax of the Tree of Life
The Direction the Evolution goes
So many Drunk and Illusion-Drowned
So Many to wake Up, but
Like the-so needed-Grass grows by it-self,
it is a Natural Process
and Truth is Eternal
and doubt is holding You from that Truth, to be excused
Drop, Guilt and Fear-knowing where it came from,
forgiving your-self and others,
accepting the Growth-process back to life-from a ages-long alienation
is a thorough One
just con-cen-trating All-in One
Your Divine Origin,
because the One is in All
the Source of All