the Queen-11:
Peace-being the Final Justice, will arrive:
when the Body-Minds of All really thirst for Calmness
the Freedom from Tension Universalized,
the motive for Re-union Generalized
Re-aligning-unconditional O.K-ness,
Every-One adding His Unique Worth In Equalness
Re-be-coming into a World free from false Conditioning
No-body anymore allowed to-be-Use-by-anybody.
This kind of experience will follow as a result of sudden massive Awareness by All
of All Histories of Experiences and Consequences, the work is done
the Kosmic Egg of time
can converge again to the Omega
the alpha its' Base
from to Light to Light
passing the darkness
profound longing for Oneness
every-One regognizing every-One in That-ness
Leaving the Valley of Tears
so long You suffered
My Love
being called the Great Quantum Leap, needing the Alertness and the Awareness of All
Because In the Times of the Masters and Prophets,
the Pollutional Factor did not count so Strong as Now:
Great Forces are Needed to Pull us Out
of the Illusional worlds: so only possible by common Effort
of the Illusional worlds: so only possible by common Effort
massive waves of Awareness through the Institutions on Behalf of -Our Children
But just start to Concentrate on Love for Your-Self
and for the Ones who did the opposite: the Opposite on All the Levels Known
Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually
on Material Planes:
Equalizing the Justice
and the Assets for All
Terror will dilute more and more
on Emotional Planes:
on Emotional Planes:
Re-acceptance of the Self, knowing where the Dragon came from
Forgiving the Ancestors and our-Selves of their-our-Ignorance and
Guiding Its' Energy-instead of re-acting on Others, keeping the cycles going-
Your Dragon, guiding IT into Truthfull-Creative-Constructive contribution towards the Whole
bringing your Unique Message and Value towards Creation
Your Dragon the re-actor off-and-on: Your accumulated Pain of Past
in Truth an Illusion and not Now
restoring and supporting IT-Our Mother-Our Earth-Our Body-
versus abusing and destroying-IT and Our-selves
Every-Ones' Dragon wants finally to Flower
Every-Ones' Dragon wants finally to Flower
in the adding of Beauty towards Creation
the process towards the Crown of the evolution:
the process towards the Crown of the evolution:
All becoming One-through ATONEMENT realised
Only using Strange ways for Love and Attention and this
Only using Strange ways for Love and Attention and this
Cynicism will be at the cost of too Much and
the Suffering of too Many
Giving Your-Self unconditional Love,
Giving Your-Self unconditional Love,
You will understand it More and More to do the Same for Others,
Specially the Children and Orphans of the World
Diluding the Distrust and terror there will be no Borders
Unique qualities of the Southern exchange
the Uniqueness of the Northern
In the Exchange of Values and Goods,
without Abuse.
Listening to the Wisdoms of the Indigenous Elders
Messengers from the Original Human-ity
in Powerlesness-situations towards Your children and others,
I Understand youy desperate try outs of educational Conditioning,
like You experienced it Yourself
Many times, They just represent Un-awareness
This is the rude way in which Conditioning can Copy Opinions, which were not even Your Own,
Many times, They just represent Un-awareness
This is the rude way in which Conditioning can Copy Opinions, which were not even Your Own,
that is why Your Liberation is needed to liberate others:
like the rumour and the bad Naming even imprisoned Her
like the rumour and the bad Naming even imprisoned Her
becoming One-with Her and in Her
with Mother-Earth-Gaia-Life-bearer in at-One-ment with
the Life-bearers and Birth-Givers of the Human Family
Not allowed to be Heart?
Not allowed to be Heart?
By Whom and For What Cause?
For What Cause were the receptors built for the-Love-neuro-transmitter Anandamide, concerning the Human Brain
and for what cause the anandamide widely dispersed in the Mothers Whomb
to prepare the Embryo's Birth Ground
for the same reason the anandamide is spread over the neurons and synapses of Our Brains
to prepare the Ground for Our Liberational Re-Birth
for the same reason Our Pineal Gland:
third Eyes of Non-duality
entering the Visualised Liberation
all biochemically represented
the rythms of Light and Darkness
integration of polarities
Contractions and expansions
the Eternal knot: the All-inclusive Now
DNA opening Its Records
and the Sacred Plants for Help
Only Respect in Use is needed,
So You can be Reborn easily, when following the Teachings
When stubbornly, wanting to re-Pass,
the Millenium old Experience of Consequences,
it is the Mixing which Causes the Suffering going beyond Mesure and
blindly following Impulses and Desires
The purification gives Relief and great Comfort
and to-Liberate Your-Self towards Your Worth
all Alienation will be re-moved