Great Void at Ease: Ultimate Peace-1-:
the mind-Set and the Setting-mi-lieu
Look to the Universe, the morning early, the mitote asleep, first cock sings
Existence a poem, when You open towards WHAT IS
Crescent Moon giving birth towards You in the HERE AND NOW
Allowing Her Daughters and Sons to leave past behind,
Allowing Her and Him to leave complexity
to give Him Birth into Suchness
Surrendering and in submission to
That, What IS
All His subjective memories-left behind-being born in a New Day
This is PAD of the Wisdoms of the Long Hum: meaning the allowance to get born towards the Suchness of the Great Void:
the forgiving aspect of the Universe allowing the Flowering in the Here-Now, the Now-Here,
No-where, be-Come-ing Every-Where
Great Void: meaning the emptyness of the Universe-Inside and Outside the space between the atomic sub-particles:
Why always listening to the words, instead of the Silence In between
Why always focusing on object instead of the Void in it and around it
The world of the "thing-nesness"-the object-world: so dense and so contracting
Focus on empty-ness, which can be Birth-Giving
Instead of suffocating in Fullness, that of material enslavement
Love is like the Void, it gives Space and at-Ease-ness,
Love-Unconditional, turns Dis-Ease into Ease
Because the conditionings, throw back in fear and guilt:
the imprisoning judgmental and opiniating worlds, instead of the Liberating invitation:
to get Bom and Flower
That is why Mother-Moon and Father-Sun in Heaven
are the Symbols
of the Invitation to go to the Water-Flower,
The Lotus-Flor das Aquas- suspended on the Water-surface
Beija Flor, Beija Mar, the Symbol of the Fishermen
The Fish identified in the Water
The imprisonment in mind and opiniating, judgmental worlds
the-Your-last Judgment-s-gone for-Ever
Ohm-Ah-Hum-Aum,OHm-ega, All-Ah, Aumin, Amen, So Be It,
BE IT: Great Acceptance, and in Gratefullness of Original Creation:-without this Appreciation I saw more and more obscurity
Going Slowly, slowly into Liberation, Out of the identification with the Cycles,The pain was Past and so illusive, You neither have to be a victim of past or a victimizer in future, the Now IS FREE of Maya: the illusionary "human"creation of fear, guilt, pressure, based on Past.
Just re-becoming Your Realest Self, Healing from the DIS-ease, which the human creation installed in Us: But You have to choose for Your Preferences in Set and Setting
Seeing IS Trancending
when looking inwards: in-Sight
the Sun-Father, Source of All Life,
see the Summit of the Universal Cross
in-side: Your Heart and
Out-side: Your Sun: melting in One
realising that the ax towards IT
is the middle path between good and bad
the two Beija Flors remembering You that:
the Middle Path, Your Juste Mi-Lieu, Your setting
when in Excess or too exteriorized
The two horizontal Axes!/photo.php?pid=4409331&id=1487055
the first: Our Interactional field of earthly existence and our Mind represented in it: contractive Fields of being, becoming liberative, when set and setting are massively changed
the second: the Resurrectional ax, beyond past: the heaps of thorns left behind, re-active Ego-done
The necessity and the decision-after enough pain and suffering, to go beyond and to Over-come-the mind-set. Having seen that mind is only a survival instrument, You will See, that in complete unconditional Love it is not needed anymore, which is what many Women try to explain Men.
This is the Mani-ax of non-duality, where the Subject liberated from opinions-objectivations-thorns and when the Subject freed from Other-ness, there are no objects, neither purposes any-more: You can be defense-less, the frontiers and the fear-capsula is melting, You can Be: I AM
This is the final Maturity of Human Evolution,
Coming Home again
and the realization,
that between "goods and bads" is
the Middle Heart Path,
the Middle Path:
the Setting of the "Lieu de Mi"
the Right Environment: Milieu
Where the Natural can be Reborn
Those are the Teachings of the Great Acceptance, because of
the Great Void of Unconditonal Love
having been passed through so much,
means understanding so much
having walked in many moccasins, there is no Other
So there is the ability to respond with great Calmness:
the final response-ability is: no objectivation
All being Equal, but Unique, We can Melt in One
You can relax in Equanimity,
You can go at-Ease: the Okay-ness even in obscurity