Monday, August 30, 2010

Great Void-at easeUltimate peace-2-

Great Void at Ease Ultimate Peace-2-

In this vertical Ax of non-duality, You can rise, standing right-angular on the ax of horizontal identification

with the conditoned fear and guilt enslaving You, imprisoning You, Control You. This right and wrongness-space-full of contraction

where no-bodey can Flower into Light-ness, because re-member:

being never O.K. can I ever give my Worth, my Fruit and Flower to anybody?

being every-body, except My Truest Self,

how can I give My Uniqueness, for which I am Here?

How can I get born in so much noise, fullness, dis-harmony, un-Truth and materialistic non-Love

in jaleousy, distrust, suspicion, arrogance and separateness?

getting bom is through the Trustful Gliding into the Whole,

which is Original Creation

being invited by Love, Beauty, Harmony, Truth and Justice.

I am, what I am

which is my Divine Nature, 

being in Nature is re-member-ing

being in Void is being Invited, 

being in My Heart is re-becoming Me

The onion-layers of conditioning-the shoulds and oughts- the never-enough-ness and not-O.K.-ness, the defenses and the Fears relaxed

crying: the water purifying the Past,

realising what they did in Ignorance

and what you did in Ignorant response             

But being in re-action to what has been, is giving to much honour to the past to-others, who tresspassed our Integrity-in their Blindness, however seeing


Forgiving is the Key, the Liberator from the bondages of past

Moon Crescent-is giving Birth to the New You in the invitating Void and Silence

is just Wisdom, distillated out of the Reality of What IS

the Nature of the Universe, Creation like it was Meant-the Setting

the  Setting:

Just choosing consciously, those conditions, to be able to re-learn and re-observe This

is the choice between-the human-mind-noise and Naturalness-as priority Now

which Is the Healing aspect of Natural Environment

Why continue to choose: fullness-of illusions-to be pushed by Time, which is actually being pulled and pushed by the innumerous desires

Again restore Nature and Naturalness, re-Respect the Void-Ease and Silence

and go for Peace, which Is Your RE-Birth-right and condition: those needed conditions for You and that of Whole Humanity

Free Your-Self and so Your Children 

from your Tense-ness and DIS-ease

It will be a short-cut, towards the Final Kingdom

don't fight with Your Most Inner Self,

which is Me.

seeing the Water-Flower, the Lotus, the Flor das Aquas 

above the surface 

of the sub-conscious Sea

entering into the Light of the Creators'-SUN: 

Flowers' Leaves of Silenced Mind

it gives You the Extasy of Transcendance:

Let Your Heart been Filled

While running to be Free

You sometimes miss the Point

of inner Liberation

but realize in Truth

that every-Thing is Empty


Great Void is also Truth

the ش,                         the OHM-ega-All-Ah-All-One

the All-embracing-Un-Moved

In and Out 

Out and In

Now and Here




Great VOID at Ease, Ultimate PEACE, OMEGA