Rebirth of whole Womenhood-2-:
Creation-sustainability and Sun-Dawn civilization
the Life-bearer and Birth-Giver
She Loves Dawn, the Promise of a New Day
To project the Golden Child IN
She suffers, when She affirms the Destruction of Life
She affirms the Life-Stream
the essential Noumenos in the Tree
She Sees the Energies, without giving It a Name
S-H-E IS the Fountain of Love
See This All in One-recently possible through the quick development of communication-channels affirming We Are One
See This All in One-recently possible through the quick development of communication-channels affirming We Are One
The collective female consciousness of the South-seeing "another" woman laying on a yaght-paid with money on the backs of many victims-representing the worth of a childrens'-clinic, that could treat a massive epidemic in their area, will mirror occidental materialism, the scraping-ego, the lack of compassion and justice for the Whole.
Justice is aligned with Truth
and the Truth Eternal.
The male oriented Roman"Empire" also was trying to distract from the Essential, amusement for the Masses, but not became eternal and not "sustainable"
Love, Harmony, Truth, and Justice are the sustainable Values, durable and Eternal, will Life and Creation will be a continuum
It is You the Gatekeeper of the Divine:
It is You the Gatekeeper of the Divine:
the Queens' Clarity of the Moonlight
shining on my consciousness:
the Womenhood towards One-ness will be the Mirror of the Male ego's , appearances overpowering each Other in forgetfullness of the Real Power:
the Power of the Universal Values
neglecting This
is the suffering during the dying-process
no New-Hope, no New Birth
it is You, the Saviour out of the Valley of tears
of which, when Humanity could cry-more easily
while melting the frozen-Fear-capsulae,
would need more Oceans
honouring the Universal Values, more and more and more
Voluptuous western materialism and
Voluptuous western materialism and
the veiled part of Women-hood looking towards-Life
behind clothes and repressive imprisonment:
they have to meet and go for the Middle Path
of the generalized Values
They only have to Mirror Power-gaming silently
They only have to Mirror Power-gaming silently
and only give Love to Life-affirmation and sustainability
to Justice done-
to Truth uncovered-
to Harmony restored
Life is Creation and Creation is Life-so why should the male ego ask,
Life is Creation and Creation is Life-so why should the male ego ask,
the collective Womenhood to bless the guns?:
make Love no War-they said and were ridiculized
Were you youngsters so retarded? the
Were you youngsters so retarded? the
Study of Love being immensely more refined, then the study of aggressive power-methods and the technologies of It?
All this mortal Left-brain occupations.
Our Right-brain functions completely denied
The-Tantric-Valley of Peace-being so immensely more beautiful!,
The-Tantric-Valley of Peace-being so immensely more beautiful!,
then the Rage-Rushing through the world:
the Awareness and the transformation of the Dragon being the Real Education:
aggressive and destructive energies turning into the creative construction and restoration of Nature,
Life-affirmation and Naturalness: the Gardeners and the Caretakers of the Green Flag:
Being so mis-guided through the conditioning of not O.K-ness:
the neglection of the Original Flower
through the political and religious repressions of all the ISMS through the Ages
the Anger of the Collective subconsciousness has to be recognized
This was the History of Life-suffocating Times: Life affimative Times, the Time of the Queen
This was the History of Life-suffocating Times: Life affimative Times, the Time of the Queen
the Time of Womenhood: the expression of what IS: Beauty, Compassion, Love, Harmony
Truth, Justice, Equality, Equanimity, Calmness, Ease, Acceptance, Patience
Forgiving and surrounding -Love: the Birth-Place of the male-ego leaving His Past History
having the Courage to See the W-hologram, of what IS Now and Here,
trancending all His Past actions and consequences, over-Seeing IT
The Great Quality of the Comforting Queen, potentially equals the Quality of every Womanhood
Though She cannot Comfort explosion, violation, brutality and judgmental tresspassing of Otherhood
The Great Quality of the Comforting Queen, potentially equals the Quality of every Womanhood
Though She cannot Comfort explosion, violation, brutality and judgmental tresspassing of Otherhood
She-the softness, the Heart of every Subject, does not acknowledge objectivity
She cannot go with their Killing Tresspassing, because She dies with every Death
Her dying, there will be no Comfort, No Love, No re-Assurance
The Male Ego will See-collectively-and Understand-he has to Humble and kneel for Existence
The Male Ego will See-collectively-and Understand-he has to Humble and kneel for Existence
realising He never Perceived-was never receptive-only occupied with the manipulation of What IS
being blinded through the Running: never Seeing the Moment Here : What IS NOW
The refined study of ONE CELL allready making the Real Man Humble
the carefull listening to that Voice inside of YOU: Great Silence is needed for This and Great Ease
How can a Runner for Result and War, the Objective organiser of great Surface
listen in depth to that Voice, His inner Master, how can the endless "winner"
loose himself in detail, surrender to the Real Beauty of Existence, incredible Genius of Creation
he is in competition, to busy with the ugly things of absolute irrelevance.
Never Seeing the Moment of What IS-looking deep into Nature and wondering about IT
he misses permanently, jumping from past to future, always mind, never there
male ego only seeking objects of his plans-always wanting to have-desiring constantly
and actively saturating his needs, seeing reality as his asset and as such taking it for granted?
This is the Time for Miracles and many will see it happen the Sudden realisation of What IS:
the Immense Beauty and Radiance of the Sun-enlightened Creation
The refined study of ONE CELL allready making the Real Man Humble
the carefull listening to that Voice inside of YOU: Great Silence is needed for This and Great Ease
How can a Runner for Result and War, the Objective organiser of great Surface
listen in depth to that Voice, His inner Master, how can the endless "winner"
loose himself in detail, surrender to the Real Beauty of Existence, incredible Genius of Creation
he is in competition, to busy with the ugly things of absolute irrelevance.
Never Seeing the Moment of What IS-looking deep into Nature and wondering about IT
he misses permanently, jumping from past to future, always mind, never there
male ego only seeking objects of his plans-always wanting to have-desiring constantly
and actively saturating his needs, seeing reality as his asset and as such taking it for granted?
This is the Time for Miracles and many will see it happen the Sudden realisation of What IS:
the Immense Beauty and Radiance of the Sun-enlightened Creation
is there What IS sufficient
IT will show Itself in This Times of Paradoxes:
between Life and Death