Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rebirth of Whole womanhood-3-

Rebirth of Whole Womenhood-3-:

Every-Ony will want to be a brother of the Nova Era, because it Is beyond Duality and Conflict:
The Suffering continues till the un-awareness clicks stop and the male ego surrenders-passing his fear of death:
the let go of his-fearful domination-illusionary superiority.
He needs Now the Submission to the Life-affirmative qualities of Female-and Mother-hood:
towards Life and Creation.
The Queens Sons, will understand Her Teachings,
instead of gaming the little Boy lost, the endless ambitious claimer
becomes the Caretaker: Father, the Gardener for Creation,
surrendering into Brotherhood in Equalness,
respecting the Whomb-man: Life-Bearers, Birth-Givers,
Mother Earth, Gaia now saved and respected:

will this Awareness Be in Time?

The Queens' Daughters: Liberated from past Bitterness-collectively-after the restoration of In-justice-overcoming jalousy and prejudgments the sharing will continue in the Service of Life-affirmation their Solidarity and their One-ness in the stopping of Life-threatening actions and behaviour of the male ego, Reality-makers and fixed Objectivators beyond the fighting of it with contra-Power or revenge-revanche-.

With the Help of the Queens' Teachings, the Light of Compassion will ignite

the Love-waves-Humanity cries for-will enter the Mitote, the density of the Judgmental Layer will enlighten. The fixation on the horizontal ax-of endless fight and conflict will break open to the vertical ax to Union. This collective Current of endless Forgiving-through Awareness-the male ego doing his homework, will Flower through the Let Go of his over-actional Rush-by comparative mind of rivalry-the paranoid blockage of Brotherhood-out of powerlesness,power-gaming steered by the animal-steered jungle-mind, not using His Creative Intelligence in honour of the sacred, life-sustaining Universal Values, the total intentionality towards:


Love, Harmony, Truth and Justice

this Love will surround Humanity and prepare the ground of the Massive Rebirth....out of thousands of years of conditionings, pre-conceptions and pre-judgments:
the struggle for Power finally understood, the restless fear for Death and Anonimity over-come, realising the Extreme Beauty of
What Is Creation: what IT IS, what It has given Birth to through the Female Quality of Existence, of Life

Respect starts to grow, also for the Birth-Process Itself, so giving the Motives to help to create the environment, where every-one will experience the Rebirth Himself. The Great Values are the conditions of that Environment, that Setting:
Truth being the eternal NOW,
which is eternal freedom from the time-oriented mind:
time-being a mind-illusion and realizing the mind-lilusion:
you realise what IS NOW

Seeing Now free from Time-mind:
without past there is No Pain,
Without Future there is no Fear, without desire-future-no frustration: so you can learn to ease in the Beauty of the moment:
which is LOVE
but re-member the Worth of Nature and Naturalness as the Basic Environment for Re-Birth

not a de-tracked-human me-creation of artifacts and futuristic speed-dreams conditioned by Dis-Eased Biochemistry in the brains of the so-called reality-makers, the victimizers, the objectivators, trespassing the Kingdoms and the Universal Values, causing harm every-where around them: the will have to look in the Mirror of the Truth.


The Female Qualities of Calmness-Care-Trustfullness-Surrounding Safety and when the Invitation towards the Great Forces of the Values is realized:
like the Forgiving Quality of Truth, which is NOW
This All will give-slowly, slowl-Free-way towards the Gates of the Birth of the Real You: which is Love

Struggle and Fight never helps this Birth-themany male-ego-qualities being contraproductive to this and often it represents even the contrary of IT, that environment, which is so needed to liberate the victim from objectivation and tresspassing
it is the Subject-Liberation in a space of judge-less, unconditional Love

So take out-in solidarity-all the factors causing this horizontal-objectivational fixation, of judgmental.conditioning, the cause of conflicts, wars, power-games, controlt-games and victimizing: starting the dilution of the objectivationai suffering

and in See in Clarity the basic predicaments needed on all levels: fysicaliy, emotionally and mentally and last but not the least spiritually-till the last judgments die out.
In the service of the Liberation of Every Individual from contraction and conditional alienation from His-Her True Self:

which is Un-conditional Love:
In the re-Cognition and the Forgive-ness of the Own Dragon-pains and re-actions towards pains of past-lies the annihiliation of judgment and conditioning and objectivation: no more differentiation*)

Purify the physical-body: towards the ortho-molecular right biochemistry, so the irritability-levels go towards relaxation and the compulsive-negative-mind slows down, this helps towards Harmony and Ease and the over-coming of compulsive judgment-opiniating and will liberate You from the repe­titions of old conditioned imprisonments.


Fear-based, animal-survival-mind

Clear the emotional body: from re-active emotions on registrated-but now illusive past. Re-active emotions, like the rebellions against-old repressions. Clarity is needed about which re-stimulations are there in the Here Now: recognizing old, but Now illusive pains. Forgiving the tresspassers and the often victimizing circumstances in the past. Liberating yourself from fixated anger and bitterness:
It is not here and not now anymore:  
You can look into the illusion
In Now and at the Same Time, 
You can look towards the point of Re-Surrection,
towards the Revelation of Your Liberty

Free the mind: from conditioned chattering, the old shoulds and oughts, the endless self-judgments, our infused not-O;K-ness, which will end in the forgiving of the reactive Dragon, by overviewing the past:
the Non-Love, the dis-Harmonies, the covered Truth and the manifested in-Justices and by understanding the mind-stimulating frustrations of the so many desires, constantly "compensating" past powerlesness, and past pains of the victims episodes, so liberating the self from repeating revenge-patterns, emotionally and mentally.
Because the ego is based on registrated, accumulated and memorized-experiences-the mind mostly registrates survival moments-to preserve and alert you on behalf of your-the-future and Your Continuity. So concentrating on the mind, is concentrating on Illusion
Concentrating on Now, liberates You from Illusion
 the Loving at-One-ment of the One-Women-hood
having been Born out of Appearance into Being
The Universal Values are and
will be the Whomb for the Rebirth of Humanity
the return of the Divine Feminine respected and re-honoured
The Queens'Wisdoms re-viewed and re-cogni-zed
We re-member-ed to the Original-at-One-ment
by attunement to the Values
from Alpha-Light-towards Omega-Light-com-pleted